Page:Alice Riggs Hunt - Facts About Communist Hungary (1919).djvu/26

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each person, and not according to population. Of these profits not all is returned to the workers, because a percentage is retained for schools, new houses for the workers and new machinery. At present the estates above one hundred acres are already socialised, and later we will socialise all estates above twenty acres.

"We have just begun to build small guage railways for transporting wood for fuel and have rebuilt some of our machinery to adapt it for burning wood and peat. The milking and cattle industry was in former times entirely individual, but now the co-operative machinery is in constant use. The owners of small estates, who are against communism are trying to send anti-communist propaganda to the Serbians, but in spite of this the Serbian peasants on the border are giving us one hundred head of cattle a day. If the Entente would allow us to work unmolested we could have accomplished more in these two months, as we are using every available man and woman."