Page:Alice Riggs Hunt - Facts About Communist Hungary (1919).djvu/33

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The People's Commissary for Education also plans for two types of high schools, one of which shall be compulsory for every student under eighteen. One type will unite the classical and industrial system, and the other will include technical and practical business schools. Already he has established in the higher classes of tho schools disciplinary tribunals, elected by the students and all students studying a trade or profession automatically belong to tho teachers union of that trade or profession, and can have a voice in their meetings.

At a meeting of five thousand women hold in the Buda Concert Hall several of the women communist leaders held the audience spellbound for five hours. Bela Kun addressed twelve such meetings during one afternoon, which were organized by Adel Spady, to explain to the women tho difficulties of food distribution. After the announced speakers had finished there were spontaneous speeches from the audience, and women young and old, rich women and poor women, peasant women and women from Budapest spoke vehemently for or against the Government. Whether the women took a great part in the communist revolution or not there is no doubt that the Hungarian woman can speak for herself in no uncertain terms.