Page:Alice Stuyvesant - The Vanity Box.djvu/163

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for two or three days that perhaps I might run over to France for a fortnight, until the inquest comes on again. Even that would be a change. Don't you think it would be a good way of keeping my promise to Sir Ian, if I invited Miss Verney to go as my companion? Afterward I would find her something else."

"I should like to go with you myself," sighed Maud, "only I can't, because a dull but rich aunt of Norman's is coming for a visit, and she's the kind that alters her will if you alter your plans."

"I'll broach the subject to Miss Verney to-day," Terry said, as the carriage stopped at the vicarage door.

"Perhaps she won't go," suggested Maud.

"I will get her to go," said Terry.