Page:All the works of Epictetus - which are now extant; consisting of his Discourses, preserved by Arrian, in four books, the Enchiridion, and fragments (IA allworksofepicte00epic).pdf/354

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The Discourses of
Book IV.

Fear, Envy, Pity; with disappointed Desires, and incurred Aversions?——"No one."——Do we then find any of the Wicked exempt from Sorrow, Fear, disappointed Desires, incurred Aversions?——"Not one."——Consequently then, not free[1].

§. 2. If a Person who hath been twice Consul should hear this, provided you add, "but you are a wise Man; this is nothing to you;" he will forgive you. But if you tell him the Truth; that, in point of Slavery, he doth not differ from those who have been thrice sold, what must you expect, but to be beaten? "For how, says he, am I a Slave? My Father was free, my Mother free[2]. Besides, I am a Senator too, and the Friend of Cæsar; and have been twice Consul; and have myself many Slaves."——In the first place, most worthy Sir, perhaps your Father too was a Slave of the same kind; and your Mother, and your Grandfather, and all your Ancestors successively. But even if they were ever so free, what is that to you? For what, if they were of a generous, you of a mean Spirit: they, brave; and you, a Coward: they, sober; and you, dissolute?

§. 3. And, "What, says he, is this towards being a Slave?"[3]——Do you think it nothing towards being a Slave, to act against your Will? Compelled, and lamenting?——"Be it so. But who can compel me, but the Master of All, Cæsar?"——By your own Confession then, you have one Master: and let not his being, as you say, Master of All, give you any Comfort; but know,


  1. Whosoever committeth Sin, is the Servant of Sin. John viii. 34
  2. They answered him, We be Abraham's Seed, and were never in Bondage to any Man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? John vi 33.
  3. Mr. Upton's Copy transposes many Pages of this Chapter to their right Place; which, in others, were joined to the last Chapter of the Third Book.