Page:Allied Participation in Vietnam.pdf/185

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Appendix A



The Filipino people, in response to the request of the Vietnamese people for civic action assistance as expressed by the Government of Vietnam, have sent the 1st Philippine Civic Action Group, RVN (1st PHILCAGV) to extend that assistance in all sincerity though humble it may be.

We, the members of 1st PHILCAGV therefore, are pledged to carry out the mandate of our people to the best of our ability and to the fullest extent of our capacity. We ask the Vietnamese people to understand that we are here to help build and not to destroy, to bring the Vietnamese people happiness and not sorrow, to develop good will and not hatred. We further ask the Vietnamese people cooperation in whatever manner they think best so that we can accomplish our civic action projects with the least obstacle and interference by some individuals or groups of individuals who are against the idea of the Vietnamese people being able to enjoy happiness and a better way of life.

Within the pages of this leaflet is the Vietnamese translation of the law passed by the representatives of our people. The Congress of the Philippines, and approved by the Chief Executive, President Ferdinand E. Marcos. This law reflects the sentiments of the people of the Philippines and provides the basis for our being here with you today.

As our late President Magsaysay, the father of civic action in the Philippines said, "Ano po ha ang kailangan natin?" meaning "What sir, would you want me to do for you?" Like our late President Magsaysay, we ask the Vietnamese the same question. Please do not hesitate to tell us where we