Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/444

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Davis, John, of Wilts, 'cler. fil.' Christ Church, matric. 10 Nov., 1621, aged 18, B.A. 16 Feb., 1625-6; M.A. from Pembroke Coll. 27 Oct., 1628. [Memo.: John Davies (perhaps his father) instituted to rectory of Devizes 1602.] See also Mathias 1631 and Thomas 1625.

Davies, John, of co. Anglesey, pleb. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 16 Nov., 1621, aged 20, B.A. 6 Nov., 1624; M.A. from Magdalen Hall 25 June, 1628.

Davis, John, s. Matthew, of Writtle, Essex, doctoris. Wadham Coll., matric. 3 Nov., 1626, aged 17, scholar 1623-6; B.A. from Gloucester Hall 1 Feb., 1626-7 ('doctoris fil.' in Wood).

Davis, (Sir) John, of Oxon, 1s. John, of Pangborne, Berks, militis. Gloucester Hall, matric. 8 Dec., 1626, aged 15; (? B.A. 1 Feb., 1626-7) of Bere Court, Berks, admitted to the Middle Temple 1629, a justice of the peace for Berks, knighted 14 Nov., 1662. See Gregory 1689; & Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Davies, John (Davys), B.A. from New Coll. 18 Dec., 1634. [5],

Davies, John, of Salop, s. 'John Davys,' of Llanbrinmair, co. Montgomery, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 10 Sept., 1636, aged 22; B.A. from Balliol Coll. 25 June, 1640.

Davies, John, s. John, of Middleton, Salop, gent. St. Alban Hall, matric. 16 April, 1641, aged 18; of Gray's Inn 1641. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Davis, John, s. William, of Kidwelly, co. Carmarthen, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 4 June, 1641, aged 16; admitted sizar of St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 14 May, 1646, aged 19 (his father a yeoman), born at Kidwelly 25 May, 1625, buried in the church there 22 July, 1693. See Ath., iv. 382; & D.N.B.

Davis, John, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 20 Feb., 1648-9.

Davids, John, 'ser.' Oriel Coll., matric. 24 June, 1653. [10],

Davies, John, 'ser.' All Souls' Coll., matric. 8 May, 1655.

Davies, John, doctoris fil. Balliol Coll., matric. 25 July, 1655, B.A. 16 Oct., 1655; M.A. from Gloucester Hall 11 July, 1659, created D.D. 20 Dec., 1670, born at Chilton, Oxon, at the house of his mother's father, Rev. Dr. Lawrence; professor of Greek at Oxford, 'patre medico Devon,' rector of Heydon, Essex, 1676, and of Little Chishall, Essex, 1684, died 4 Oct., 1717, aged 82. See Rawlinson, i. 331; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davies, John, 'ser.' Christ Church, matric. 1 April, 1656; B.A. 1659, as Davis.

Davies, John, B.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, incorp. 24 March, 1657-8.

Davies, John, s. Tho., of Slimbridge, co. Gloucester, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. 25 May, 1666, aged 17; B.A. 8 Feb., 1669-70, M.A. 1672, perhaps father of St. John. [15],

Davis, John, s. Thomas, of Lechlade, co. Gloucester, minister. Magdalen Coll., matric. 1 Feb., 1666-7, aged 17; chorister 1662-70, B.A. 1670, M.A. 1673, clerk 1674-8, went abroad and became a convert to the church of Rome, his father instituted to the vicarage of Lechlade 13 Nov., 1645. See Bloxam, i. 93.

Davies, John, s. Humphr., of Easenhall, co. Warwick, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. 9 Dec., 1670, aged 18; B.A. from Magdalen Coll. 1674, M.A. 1677, vicar of Salford Priors, co. Warwick, 1677, rector of Ipsley, co. Warwick, 1685. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davis, John, s. Joh., of Chicksgrove, Wilts, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 3 July, 1671, aged 17; demy Magdalen Coll. 1671-7, B.A. 6 Feb., 1674-5, M.A. 1677, fellow 1677-1724, B.D. 20 Feb., 1689-90, D.D. 1708, expelled by the commissioners of James II. in 1687, restored 1688, vice-president 1692, vicar of Dinton 1688, curate of Horspath 1694, vicar of Tubney 1721, until his death 21 Oct., 1724, will at Oxford 2 Nov., 1724. See Bloxam, v. 317.

Davies, John, s. 'David Hughes,' of Llanerchayron, co. Cardigan, p.p. Jesus Coll., matric. 30 May, 1674, aged 21; B.A. 17 Jan., 1677-8.

Davis, John, s. Joh., of Worcester (city), p.p. St. Alban Hall, matric. 23 Nov., 1677, aged 19; called Davies in Mat. Reg. [20],

Davies, John, s. Joh., of Lampeter, co. Cardigan, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 11 March, 1677-8, aged 15; B.A. 1681, perhaps twin brother of Lewis same date.

Davies, John, s. John, of S. Hilary, Cornwall, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 1 April, 1679, aged 17.

Davis, John, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 20 March, 1683-4, B.A. from Corpus Christi Coll. 1688; M.A. 1691, B.D. 1699, D.D. 1702, rector of Clayhiddon, Devon, 1704. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davies, John, s. J., of Anglesey (town), pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 18 June, 1686, aged 17; B.A. 1690, M.A. 17 Jan., 1692-3, B.D. 7 March, 1707-8, D.D. 1711, perhaps preb. of Vaynoll, in St. Asaph, 1697, vicar of Llanbadarn Vawr, co. Cardigan, 1698, etc. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Le Neve; & Thomas's St. Asaph, 247, 324.

Davies, John, s. Devereux, of Llanvihangell-Generglyn, p.p. Trinity Coll., matric. 12 April, 1690, aged 18. [25],

Davies, John, s. David, of Llanarth, co. Cardigan, paup. Jesus Coll., matric. 22 Oct., 1691, aged 18.

Davies, John, s. Hen., of Gragge, Salop, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 8 June, 1693, aged 17; B.A. 1697, M.A. 1 Feb., 1699-1700, B.D. 1701, rector of Bucknell Salop, 1702. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davies, John (Davys), s. Mathew, of Chicksgrove, Wilts, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 20 July, 1693, aged 15; demy Magdalen Coll., 1693-1702, B.A. 1697, M.A. 1700, vice-principal of Hart Hall 1706, born at Chicksgrove, parish of Tidsbury, 28 Sept., 1678, rector of Fritwell, Oxon, 1703-12, and of Castle Ashby, Northants, 1719, until his death 21 Oct., 1724. See Rawlinson, v. 427, xvii. 8; Gutch., i. 345; Bloxam, vi. 128; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davis, John, B.A. from Merton Coll. 24 May, 1694.

Davies, John, B.A. from St. Mary Hall 28 May, 1695. [30],

Davies, John, s. William, of Llampeter, co. Pembroke, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 13 March, 1699-1700, aged 15; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1708. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Davies, John, s. 'J.' ('Dav.' in 4to.), of Llangerniew, co. Denbigh, pleb. St. Mary Hall, matric. 28 March, 1702, aged 19.

Davis, John, s. Ric., of Hunton, Kent, gent. University Coll., matric. 10 April, 1712, aged 18; B.A. 1715, M.A. 1718, rector of West Farleigh, Kent, 1726. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus ,

Davies, John, s. 'Dav. Jones,' of Ystrad, co. Cardigan, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 19 March, 1713-14, aged 19; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 18 March, 1718-19, perhaps rector of Barking, Suffolk, 1722. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Davis, Jonathan, s. Richard, of Pershore, co. Worcester, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 20 March, 1639-40, aged 16; B.A. from Balliol Coll. 29 Feb., 1643-4. [35],

Davies, Lancelot (Davys), of co. Flint, pleb. University Coll., matric. 1 Dec., 1581, aged 20; perhaps same man as next.

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