Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 2.djvu/102

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Fowler, Matthew, s. Walter, of Penford, co. Stafford, gent. Christ Church, matric. 1 Sept., 1634, aged 16, B.A. 3 Feb., 1637-8; M.A. from Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1641, D.D. per Literas Regias Sept., 1660, deeply engaged in his majesty's service; on the restoration was rector of Willey, co. Warwick, 1648 and 1660, rector of St. Alphage in Cripplegate, city of London, 1662, rector of Whitchurch, Salop, 1667, and canon of Lichfield 1667, until his death in 1683; brother of Thomas 1616. See Fasti, ii. 55; Foster's Index Eccl.; & Add. MS. 15,671, p. 258.

Fowler, Richard, of Beds, arm. Exeter Coll., matric. 17 Nov., 1581, aged 17; student of Lincoln's Inn 1586. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Fowler, Richard (Fowlar), of Salop, gent. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 23 Nov., 1581, aged 17; probably of Harnage Grange, Salop (1s. William); father of William 1610, and of Richard 1619, and grandfather of Richard 1635.

Fowler, Richard, of Salop, arm. fil. nat. (3s.). St. Mary Hall, matric. 22 Oct., 1619, aged 19, B.A. 3 Nov., 1619; M.A. from Oriel Coll. 19 Jan., 1624-5; brother of William 1610.

Fowler, Richard, 1s. William, of Harnage, Salop, arm. St. John's Coll., matric. 17 April, 1635, aged 17, student of Inner Temple 1638; brother of Walter 1641, father of Richard 1664. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [5]

Fowler, Richard, "serv." St. John's Coll., matric. 24 June, 1653, called "Fouller" in Mat. Reg.

Fowler, Richard, s. Rich., of Crewkerne, Somerset, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 14 March, 1662-3, aged 18; B.A. 1664, M.A. 1667, vicar of Swell, 1668, and of Fifehead, Somerset, 1671. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fowler, Richard, s. Richard, of Harnage Grange, Salop, arm. Christ Church, matric. 20 May, 1664, aged 17.

Fowler, Richard, s. Edw., of Northill, Beds, S.T.D. Exeter Coll., matric. 3 May, 1689, aged 17; (and again 11 Dec., 1691, aged 20, his father then a bishop); B.A. 1 March, 1691-2, incorporated at Cambridge, M.A. from Trinity Hall 1710.

Fowler, Richard (Fowller), s. George, of Philliegh, Cornwall, cler. Hart Hall, matric. 29 April, 1705, aged 18; B.A. 19 Jan., 1708-9, M.A. 1712.

Fowler, Robert, s. Charles, of Blenford, co. Stafford, arm. Christ Church, matric. 1 March, 1713-14, aged 18; B.A. 19 Nov., 1717 (as Thomas), vicar of Sheriffhales, co. Stafford, 1721, rector of Donington, Salop, 1738. See Foster's Index Eccl. [11]

Fowler, Samuel, s. William, of Hardmead, Bucks, sacerd. St. Mary Hall, matric. 17 April, 1635, aged 17; B.A. 2 May, 1638, M.A. 10 May, 1641.

Fowler, Samuel, cler. fil. St. John's Coll., matric. 13 Nov., 1650, fellow 1650 by the parliamentary visitors, B.A. 9 Feb., 1653-4; M.A. from Corpus Christi Coll., 19 June, 1656. See Burrows, 175.

Fowler, Samuel, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 20 July, 1654; B.A. 12 June, 1657, M.A. 9 May, 1660; one of these names rector of Earnley, Sussex, 1667, and another rector of Blunham, Beds, 1673. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fowler, Stephen, s. Richard, of Sadbury, co. Gloucester, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 10 Dec., 1641, aged 16; B.A.; M.A. 8 March, 1648-9, rector of Crick, Northants, 1652; father of the next-named, and of Timothy. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [15]

Fowler, Stephen, s. St., of Kilsby, Northants, cler. Magdalen Hall, matric. 18 May, 1677, aged 18; B.A. 17 Feb., 1680-1; brother of Timothy same date.

Fowlar, Thomas, of Salop, arm. St. John's Coll., matric. 27 March, 1593, aged 16; a student of Middle Temple, 1595 (as 3rd son of William, of Harnage Grange, Salop); brother of Richard 1581. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Fowler, Thomas, s. (Walter), of co. Stafford, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 13 Dec., 1616, aged 14; B.A. from Christ Church 27 June, 1622, M.A. 20 June, 1625, created D.D. 16 Jan., 1642-3, perhaps admitted to Gray's Inn 12 Aug. 1633 (then M.A.), rector of Whitchurch, Salop (1631); brother of Matthew. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg. & Fasti, ii. 54.

Fowler, Thomas, of Beds, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 12 June, 1618, aged 18.

Fowler, Thomas, s. James, of Billing Mosse, co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 13 May, 1664, aged 17; B.A. from New Inn Hall, 1 Feb., 1667-8. [20]

Fowler, Thomas, fellow of Sydney Sussex Coll., Cambridge; B.A. 1666, M.A. 1670 (incorporated 13 July, 1675), B.D. 1677; one of these names rector of North Sheepey, co. Leicester, 1679. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fowler, Timothy, s. St., of Kilsby, Northants, cler. Magdalen Hall, matric. 18 May, 1677, aged 17; B.A. 17 Feb., 1680-1; brother of Stephen same date.

Fowler, Walter, s. William, of Herngrainge (Harnage), Salop, gent. Christ Church, matric. 4 June, 1641, aged 17; brother of Richard 1635.

Fowler, William, of co. Lincoln, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 28 Nov., 1581, aged 22, "serviens;" B.A. 29 March, 1582.

Fowler, William, of co. Durham, pleb. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 1 Dec., 1581, aged 24 (subscribes as "Fewler"); B.A. 26 Feb., 1583-4. [25]

Fowler, William, B.A. from St. Alban Hall 25 June, 1585, M.A. 19 June, 1588; one of these names rector of Hardmead, Bucks, 1604. See Foster's Index Eccl.; & O.H.S. xii. 130.

Fowler, William, of Salop, arm. Oriel Coll., matric. 30 March, 1610, aged 17; student of Inner Temple 1612, as of Harnage Grange, Salop, gent. (eldest son of Richard), sheriff Salop 1650; brother of Richard 1619, father of Richard 1635, and of Walter 1641. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Fowler, William (Fouler), of Wilts, cler. fil. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 8 Dec., 1615, aged 15; B.A. 3 June, 1619.

Fowler, William, M.A. from Queen's Coll., Cambridge; incorporated 11 July, 1676.*

Fowler, William, born at Cranford, Northants. s. G. (? Gul.), episcopi (subs. minister). Merton Coll., matric. 23 June, 1692, aged 16; died 24 and buried 27 Dec., 1694. See Gutch, i. app. 215. William Fowler (perhaps the father) rector of Kettering, Northants, 1670-80. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [30]

Fowler, William, s. Joh., of Haverford West, co. Pembroke, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 3 March, 1695-6, aged 16.

Fowles, Henry, pleb. Magdalen Hall, subs. 7 Nov., 1655, B.A. 12 Oct., 1658; nonconformist preacher settled at Deal 1691. See Calamy, iii. 337.

Fowleshurst, George, of Oriel Coll., 1585. See Fuleshurst.

Fowne, John, s. J., of Priory, co. Worcester, gent. Christ Church, matric. 1 Feb., 1699-1700, aged 17.

Fowne, William (Foune), of St. Alban Hall, in or before 1572. [35]

Fownes, see also Fones.

Fownes, Edward, gent. Gloucester Hall, matric. 20 Nov., 1645, aged 17.

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