Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 2.djvu/378

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Hyde, Robert, arm. fil. nat. max. Brasenose Coll., matric. 19 July, 1659; possibly student of Middle Temple 1662, as son and heir of Edward, of Northbury, Cheshire, esq.; brother of Richard 1664. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Hyde, Robert, s. Alexander, bishop of Salisbury. Magdalen Hall, matric. 13 July, 1666, aged 15; of West Hatch, bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1673, M.P. Hindon Feb., 1677-8, 1685-7, 1689-98, Wilts 1702, until his death 13 April, 1722. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Hyde, Robert, s. James, of London D.Med.; Magdalen Hall, matric. 7 April, 1677, aged 15; demy Magdalen Coll. 1678-81, B.A. 1680, fellow 1681-1722, M.A. 1683, B. & D.C.L. 31 Jan., 1706-7, lieut. of a company of scholars 1685, to repel the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1689; died 29 March, 1723, buried at St. Peter's-in-the-East, Oxford; brother of Laurence 1681. See Ath. i. cii; Bloxam, vi. 17; & Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Hyde, Robert, s. Joh., of Bolton, co. Lancaster, cler. Brasenose Coll., matric. 20 Oct., 1713, aged 22; B.A. 4 March, 1717-18.

Hyde, Thomas, fellow of New Coll. 1541-50, from Newbury, Berks (M.A.) determined 1546, dispensed 1549, canon of Winchester 1550, chief master of Wykeham's school 1552, canon of Winchester 1556, until the accession of Queen Elizabeth, escaped to Douay, where he died 9 May, 1597, buried in the lady chapel of St. James's church. See Ath. i. 659; O.H.S. 211; & D.N.B.


Hyde, Thomas (Hide), B.A. 10 Nov., 1568, fellow of Balliol Coll. 1570-76, M.A. 2 Dec., 1572, B.D. 12 July, 1576, sup. for licence to preach 9 Dec., 1578, D.D. 2 July, 1591; rector of Cranford, Middlesex, 1575, vicar of Marston St. Laurence, Northants, 1575, rector of Chilton Foliatt, Wilts, 1576, of Saddington, co. Leicester, 1578-9, of West Kington, Wilts, 1579, of Boscombe, Wilts, 1596, and of Stratford Tony, Wilts, 1614-18, canon and chancellor of Sarum cathedral 1588, until his death Nov., 1618. See Lansdowne MS. 983, f. 319; Fasti, i. 255; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Hyde, Thomas, of Berks, arm. Gloucester Hall, matric. 12 Nov., 1591, aged 14. See Leonard, 1571.

Hyde, Thomas, M.A. Cambridge, incorporated 11 *July, 1606; rector of Wanstrow, Somerset, 1610, until his death in 1624. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Hyde, Thomas, s. Laurence, of Salisbury, Wilts, militis. New Coll., matric. 19 Oct., 1627, aged 18; fellow 1629, B.A. 21 April, 1631 (M.A. from New Inn Hall, 20 Jan., 1634-5), B. & D.C.L. 17 Oct., 1640; advocate of Doctors' Commons 1 May, 1656, judge of the high court of admiralty, buried at Salisbury 20 Oct., 1661; brother of Alexander, etc. See Coote's Civilians, 84; & Fasti, i. 516.

Hyde, Thomas, s. Thomas, of Salisbury, Wilts, S.T.D. Balliol Coll., matric. "9" Nov., 1627, aged 17; B.A. "2" Nov., 1627, M.A. 1 June, 1630, created D.D. 17 Oct., 1643; rector of Abbots Ann, Hants, 1633, of Leckford, Hants, 1660, vicar of Kingsteignton, Devon, 1660, canon and precentor of Sarum 1660, and chantor 1660, until his death Sept., 1666; father of the next. See Lansdowne MS. 986, f. 88; & Fasti, ii. 68.


Hyde, Thomas, doctoris fil. nat. max. Balliol Coll., matric. 24 June, 1653, fellow New Coll., B.C.L. 10 Oct., 1660; died 4 Jan., 1660-1, buried in the college chapel. See Gutch, i. 232.

Hyde, Thomas, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 10 Nov., 1654, created M.A. 13 April, 1659, B. & D.D. 3 April, 1682, of full standing at Cambridge for M.A. (King's Coll.), born at Billingsley, Salop (s. Randle or Ralph 1618); Bodley's librarian 1665-1701, canon of Yetminster secunda in Sarum 1666-1703, archdeacon of Gloucester 1679-1703, Laudian professor of Arabic 1691, regius professor of Hebrew with canonry of Christ Church 1697 until he died 12 Feb. 1702-3, will at Oxford 24 March. See Ath. v. 522; Lansdowne MS. 987, f. 247; Fasti, ii. 222; & D.N.B.

Hyde, William, B.A. 21 Feb., 1529-30, perhaps of Denchworth, Berks. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Hyde, William, student residing in the town in July, 1562, tutor Nicholas Balche, of Magdalen Coll.; possibly a student of Inner Temple 1566, as of Denchworth, Berks (s. William); perhaps father of George 1586. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Hyde, William, of Wilts, gent. Christ Church, matric. 27 Dec., 1595, aged 17; B.A. 30 Oct., 1598, M.A. 20 June, 1601. See Edward 1601.

Hyde, William, subscribed 1 July, 1613, fellow Exeter Coll. 1615-31, B.A. 16 July, 1618, M.A. 27 June, 1621 (s. Sir Laurence), baptised at Salisbury 17 Jan., 1596; buried in the cathedral 24 Nov., 1630; brother of Alexander, etc. See Boase, 60.


Hyde, William, subscribed 21 Oct., 1614, B.A. from Christ Church 17 Dec., 1614, M.A. 15 May, 1617 (as Beyaert, see page 120), entered the Romish church under the name of Hyde, and was admitted to the English college at Douay in 1623, became its vice-president in 1641, and president 1646, and was created D.D. 1647, became canon of St. Amolus and regius professor of history and public orator in Douay; born in London 27 March, 1597; died at Douay 22 Dec., 1651. See O.H.S. x. 377; & D.N.B.

Hyde, William (Hide), of Hants, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 21 June, 1616, aged 14; student of Middle Temple 1618, as son and heir of Roger of Romsey, Hants, gent. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. & Berry'- Hants, 264.

Hyde, William, of Berks, arm. Merton Coll., matric. 19 June, 1618, aged 19; B.A. 3 Feb., 1618-19; possibly a student of Middle Temple 1619, as son and heir of William, of Hurst (Wilts ?). See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Hyde, William (Hide), of Berks, gent. Balliol Coll., matric. 16 July, 1621, aged 18; B.A. 19 Oct., 1624, M.A. 30 May, 1627.


Hyern, John, M.A. of Cambridge University, *suppl. 7 Dec., 1571 (one John Hyron, B.A. from St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1544).

Hyett, Edmund (Hyat), of co. Gloucester, pleb. Hart Hall, matric. entry under date 1573, aged 19.

Hyett, Edward (Hiatt), s. Ed. (4to.), of Bedway, co. Montgomery, cler. Jesus Coll., matric. 18 March, 1699-1700, aged 17; brother of Thomas 1709.

Hyet, James, of co. Hereford, gent. Hart Hall, matric. 17 Jan., 1583-4, aged 16.

Hyett, James (Hiett), of Oxon, arm. St. John's Coll., matric. 3 March, 1597-8, aged 17.


Hyett, John (Hiett), "serviens," s. John, of Kingswood, Wilts, pleb. pp. Magdalen Hall, matric. 18 Oct., 1662, aged 18; B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 1666, M.A. 11 Feb., 1668-9, vicar of Great Bookham 1668, rector of Little Bookham, Surrey, 1677. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Hyett, Joseph, s. John, of Gloucester city, arm. Oriel Coll., matric. 15 Feb., 1711-12, aged 18.

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