Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 2.djvu/81

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Fitzjames, Richard, of Somerset, arm., entered at Gloucester Hall 17 March, 1581-2, aged 12; Mr. Case's scholar 18 Oct., 1583, brother of Francis 1582.

Fitzjames, Robert, of Somerset, arm., entered at Gloucester Hall 17 March, 1581-2, aged 11; Mr. Case's scholar 18 Oct., 1583, brother of Francis 1582.

Fitzjames, Thomas, s. Leweston, of Leweston, Dorset, arm. Lincoln Coll., matric. 25 Jan., 1638-9, aged 16; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1649; perhaps of Newstead, Hants., M.P. Downton 1659 and 1660, till void 9 May; brother of Henry and John 1636. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Fitzjames, William, B.A. 7 April, 1544, dean of Wells 1540-8; called also Fitzwilliams. See Lansdowne MS. 980, f. 72; & Fasti, i. 120.

Fitz Maurice, William, born in London, s. William, Baron of Kerry. Balliol Coll., matric. 13 July, 1688, aged 17; of Gallane, co. Kerry, and a lieutcolonel. [5]

Fitzmaurice, William, s. (Thomas), Baron of Kerry, in Ireland. Christ Church, matric. 10 March, 1712-13, aged 18; second earl of Kerry; captain and colonel in Coldstream footguards, P.C. Ireland 1746; died 4 April, 1747.

Fitzpatrick, John, colonel in the army, created D.C.L. 6 Aug., 1677; of Castletown, Queen's co. (s. Florence), was involved in King James' general act of attainder, and died in 1693; father of Richard, lord Gowran, whose son John was created Earl of Upper Ossory.

Fitzrandall, Paul, B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 22 Feb., 1581-2. See O.H.S. xii. 102.

Fitzrandulph, Edward, of co. Derby, gent. St. Alban Hall, matric. 19 June, 1587, aged 10.

Fitzroy, Charles, Duke of Southampton. Christ Church, matric. 1 Dec., 1675, Mat. Reg. "Carolus Southampton, Dux. an. 13 Car. II. sermi Brittanarriarij & Hibern Gall etc. Regis fil naturalis Westmonast. natus ex Ducissa le Clevelandiae;" created M.A. 18 May, 1678, K.G. 1673, created Duke of Southampton 10 Sept., 1675, and became Duke of Cleveland 1709; died 9 Sept., 1730. See Fasti, ii. 270; Foster's Inns of Court Reg.; & D.N.B. [10]

Fitzroy, James, Duke of Monmouth, M.A. Cambridge 16 March, 1662-3, incorporated 28 Sept., 1663. See Scott.

Fitzsimon, Henry, of Dublin, Ireland, "Mercatoris fil." Hart Hall, matric. 26 April, 1583, aged 14; "the most noted Jesuit of his time," imprisoned several years in Dublin Castle; died 1643. See Ath. iii. 96; D.N.B.; & Foley's Records.

Fitzsimon, Leonard (Fitzsymons), clerk of Corpus Christi Coll.; scholar of Trinity Coll. 17 June, 1558, aged 17; B.A. 8 May, 1559, fellow 1559-71, M.A. 4 May, 1563; of Hart Hall 1571, "a learned Irishman." See Ath. i. 457; & Cotton, ii. 203.

Fitzsimons, Richard, B.Can.L. (sup. 21 Jan.), 1525-6.

Fitzsimon, Thomas (or Fitzsimondis), of Christ Church 1552, B.A. 11 Jan., 1555-6, M.A. 21 Nov., 1558, perhaps prebendary of Dublin 1552. See Cotton, ii. 150. [15]

Fitzsmyth, Cornelius (Fizsmygth), sup. 9 Dec., 1506, as B.A. of Paris for incorporation.

Fitzwilliams, Charles, s. W(illiam), of Louth, co. Lincoln, gent. Lincoln Coll., matric. 27 July, 1672, aged 16; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1680, warden of Louth 1685 and 1692; buried there 10 Oct., 1699. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Fitzwilliam, Henry, chaplain, B.Can.L. 16 March, 1505-6, rector of St. Laurence Newland, Essex, 1515. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fitzwilliams, John, of Herts, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. entry under date 10 April, 1581, aged 14.

Fitzwilliams, John, "serv." Magdalen Coll., matric. 15 July, 1652, B.A. 30 Jan., 1655-6, demy 1656-61, M.A. 29 June, 1658, fellow 1661-70 (incorporated at Cambridge 1664), B.D. 1666 (incorporated at Cambridge 1675), D.D. 1677 (incorporated at Cambridge 1679), university music lecturer 1662-3, rector of Brightstone, Isle of Wight, 1669, chaplain to James, Duke of York, chaplain to Thomas, Earl of Southampton, lord treasurer, and to Dr. Morley, bishop of Winchester, rector of Cottenham, co. Cambridge, 1674, canon of Windsor 1688, until deprived 1690 as a nonjuror; died 26 March, 1699, buried in St. Dunstansin-the-West. See Ath. iv. 596; Fasti, ii. 363; Bloxam, v. 223; Foster's Index Eccl.; & D.N.B.

Fitzwilliams, Nicholas (Fyzthwylliams), B.A. 28 Jan., 1528-9, chaplain of Magdalen Coll. 1529, M.A. 5 Feb., 1531-2, rector of Cheddington, Bucks, 1541. See Foster's Index Eccl. & Bloxam, ii. 126. [21]

Fitz-Williams, Thomas, of Ireland, eq. fil. Brasenose Coll., matric. entry under date 3 Nov., 1581, aged 19, of Moylagh; son of Sir Thomas, of Merryon and Baggotrath.

Fitzwilliam, (Sir) William, high steward (? 1532), Earl of Southampton, so created 18 Oct., 1537; M.P. Surrey 1529-36. See Dicty. Natl. Biography.

Fitzwilliams, William, arm. Magdalen Coll., matric. 10 Nov., 1654.

Fixer, Antony, of London, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 27 Dec., 1595, aged 17; B.A. 25 Oct., 1599.

Fixer, John, of Hants, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. entry under date 20 March, 1578-9, aged 18; scholar 1579, B.A. 7 July, 1582; "was received into the English college at Rome and became noted for his religion and learning." See Fasti, i. 221.

Flackett, Thomas, of co. Stafford, gent. Hart Hall, matric. 28 Nov., 1581, aged 16. [27]

Flamanke, Barnard, of Cornwall, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 24 Oct., 1617, aged 17; of Buscane, Cornwall (s. Nicholas of same); baptised 27 Aug., 1598, buried at Bodmin 27 Oct., 1658.

Flamancke, Charles, M.A. Cambridge, incorporated *16 July, 1600, rector of Burgh St. Margaret, Norfolk, 1609 (4s. William, of Buscane, Cornwall); died at Yarmouth. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Flamell, Henry, of co. Warwick, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. entry under date 15 April, 1580, aged 17. [30]

Flamsted, Richard, of Wadham Coll., B.C.L. 7 July, 1636, canon of Bath and Wells 1638. See Le Neve, i. 180.

Flanner, Thomas, s. Tho., of Wisbech, Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric. 18 June, 1701, aged 17.

Flasby, John, B.A. from Christ's Coll., Cambridge, 1701, M.A. 1706, incorporated 14 July, 1712, rector of Groton, Suffolk, 1703, vicar of Edwardston 1706. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Flasket, Thomas, of London, pleb. University Coll., matric. 15 Jan., 1584-5, aged 17; B.A. 27 Nov., 1588, M.A. 28 April, 1592, rector of Puddleston, co. Hereford, 1603, vicar of Shinfield, Berks, 1614. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Flathers, Major, of co. York, pleb. University Coll., matric. 2 July, 1585, aged 21; B.A. 27 Feb., 1589-90. [35]

Flathers, Marmaduke, of co. York, pleb. University Coll., matric. 1 Dec., 1581, aged 21; B.A. 13 Feb., 1592-3; one Marmaduke Feathers rector of Hemsworth, Yorks, 1620-37. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

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