Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 2.djvu/84

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Fleming, (Sir) George, s. Daniel, of Rydal, Westmorland, arm. (after a knight). St. Edmund Hall, matric. 14 July, 1688, aged 18; B.A. 1692, M.A. 7 March, 1694-5; 2nd bart. 1736, LL.D. Lambeth, 22 Feb., 1726-7, vicar of Aspatria, Cumberland, 1695, canon of Carlisle 1701, rector of Stanwix 1703, and vicar of Kirkland 1703, rector of Salkeld and Archdeacon of Carlisle 1705, rector of Ullesby, alias Ousby, Cumberland, 1719, dean of Carlisle 1727, rector of Grasmere, Westmorland, 1729, bishop of Carlisle 1735, until his death 2 July, 1747. See Foster's Index Eccl. & D.N.B.

Fleming, Henry, s. Dan, of Rydal, Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 24 July, 1678, aged 17; B.A. 1682, M.A. 1685, B. and D.D. 1696, rector of Grasmere, Westmorland, 1685, and of Asby 1694, until his death in 1728. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Fleming, Henry (Flemmynge), s. Edward, of Edmondsham, Dorset, gent. St. John's Coll., matric. 6 April, 1682, aged 18; bar.-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn, 1694, M.P. St. Germans 1690-98, Jan.—Dec. 1700, 1700-8. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Fleming, James, s. Dan., of Rydal, Westmorland, paup. (after gent.). Queen's Coll., matric. 8 March, 1693-4, aged 18; brother of George and Henry 1678.

Fleming, John, B.A. 18 June, 1537, M.A. 11 June, 1539; one of these names rector of Ashton, Devon, 1548. See Foster's Index Eccl. [5]

Fleminge, John, of Yorks, gent. Balliol Coll., matric. entry under date 2 May, 1581, aged 17.

Fleminge, John, of Cornwall, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 22 Feb., 1593-4, aged 18; fellow 1595-1613, B.A. 12 July, 1598, M.A. 17 May, 1601, proctor 1609, B.D. 14 Nov., 1611, D.D. 9 Nov., 1613, chaplain to James I., 2nd warden of Wadham Coll. 1613-17, (s. Nicolas, of Landithy in Madron, Cornwall), rector of Camborne, Cornwall, 1612, until his death 16 March, 1616-17, buried in college chapel; admon. at Oxford 12 May, 1617. See Foster's Index Eccl.; Boase, 52; & Gardiner, 20.

Fleminge, John, of co. Worcester, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 4 Nov., 1608, aged 16.

Fleminge, John, s. (Thomas), of co. Southampton, militis (C. J. England). Exeter Coll., matric. 2 March, 1609-10, aged 16, B.A. 26 Oct., 1612; M.A. from Magdalen Coll. 7 July, 1615, B.D. (March) 1626, vicar of Selbourne, Hants, 1632; brother of Philip 1604. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fleminge, "Nicholl," s. Th., of Madden, Cornwall, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 17 Dec., 1679, aged 18; vicar of St. Sancreed, Cornwall, 1692. See Foster's Index Eccl. [10]

Fleminge, Philip, of Wilts, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 28 June, 1594, aged 19.

Fleming, Philip (Flemminge), of co. Southampton, equitis fil. Christ Church, matric. 8 June, 1604, aged 17 (s. Sir Thomas); bar.-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn, 1612, steward of the Isle of Wight, M.P. New Lymington 1614, Newport, I.W., Dec., 1621-2, 1624-26, 1628-9; brother of John 1610. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary & Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Fleming, Richard, bishop of Lincoln 1419-31, founder of Lincoln College 1427; died 25 Jan., 1430-1.

Fleming, Richard (Flemminge), subscribed 15 Oct., 1613; B.C.L. from New Coll. 9 Nov., 1620, rector of Clifton, Westmorland, 1625, and of Cliburn, Westmorland, 1626. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fleming, Roger, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 6 April, 1693; vicar of Brigham, Cumberland, 1705. See Foster's Index Eccl. [15]

Fleming, Sir Thomas (Flemming), lord chief justice of England (1607), granted by convocation 7 Aug., 1613, to be created M.A.; bar.-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn, 1574, treasurer 1596, recorder of London, 1594-5, serjeant-at-law 1594-5, solicitor-general 1595, knighted 23 July, 1603, lord chief baron of court of exchequer 1604, chief justice of common pleas 1607-13, M.P. Winchester 1584-9, and 1593, Hants 1597-8, Southampton 1601, and 1604-7; died 7 Aug., 1613, buried at Stoneham, Hants; father of John 1610, and of Philip 1604. See Foster's Judges and Barristers; & Fasti, i. 355.

Fleming, Thomas (Flemmynge), s. Thomas, of Stoneham, co. Southampton, militis. Magdalen Coll., matric. 3 March, 1625-6, aged 16; died s.p.

Fleming, Thomas (Flemyng), s. Edward, of London, arm. New Coll., matric. 29 Oct., 1696, aged 19; student of Lincoln's Inn 1696; his father, of North Stoneham, Southants, esq., died in 1708, aged 30; brother of William 1704. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Fleming, William (Flemyng), perhaps fellow of Oriel Coll. 1510, B.A. (disp. 16 Jan.), 1510-11, B.Can.L. 3 July, 1514.

Fleming, William (Flemminge), of co. Glamorgan, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. entry under date 20 July, 1578, aged 21; perhaps student of Gray's Inn, 1571. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Fleming, William, s. Edward, of London, gent. Trinity Coll., subs. 8 July, 1704, aged 18; B.A. 1708; brother of Thomas 1696. [21]

Flesher, James, s. James, of London, gent. Christ Church, matric. 9 July, 1677, aged 15; B.A. 1681, M.A. 26 Feb., 1683-4, rector of Mobberley, Cheshire, 1690. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Fleshar, John, of Yorkshire, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. entry under date 20 Dec., 1577, aged 20.

Fleshmonger, William (Fleshemongere), fellow of New Coll. 1496-1514, from Hameldon, Hants, B.C.L.; D.C.L. (sup. 29 Jan.) 1507-8, B.Can.L. 3 Feb., 1510-11, D Can.L. 20 Feb., 1513-14, canon of Lincoln 1519, vicar of Shoreditch, London, 1524-5 (as S.T.P.), vicar of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 1525, dean of Chichester 1526; will dated 28 Sept., 1541, proved 6 Dec. following. See Lansdowne MS. 980, f. 15; & Fasti, i. 37.

Fleshware, William, of Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. entry under date 5 April, 1576, aged 18; fellow 1576, B.A. 15 Jan., 1577-8, M.A. 8 July, 1581, B.D. 4 July, 1594, rector of Abington 1584, vicar of Moulton 1607-27; buried at Abington 3 May, 1627. See Baker's Northants, i. 13, 50; & Foster's Index Eccl. [25]

Fletcher, Arthur, B.A. 10 May, 1569; one of these names instituted rector of Haltham-upon-Bain, co. Lincoln, 1567. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fletcher, Arthur, s. A., of Luddington, co. Warwick, gent. Pembroke Coll., matric. 29 March, 1705, aged 15; B.A. 1708, M.A. 1711, rector of Croome D'Abitot 1713, vicar of Elmley Castle 1725, and rector of Grafton Flyford, all co. Worcester, 1725. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Fletcher, Bartholomew, s. Thomas, of London, gent. St. John's Coll., matric. 23 June, 1626, aged 16; admitted Merchant Taylors' school 1619; born 17 June, 1610, buried at Eastry, Kent. See Robinson, i. 99.

Fletcher, Christopher, student of Christ Church 1577, B.A. 28 Jan., 1578-9. See O.H.S. xii. 79.

Fletcher, Edmund (Flaacher), B.A. 2 July, 1515, fellow of Exeter Coll. 1516-29, M.A. (sup. 8 Nov.) 1518, chaplain of the university, B.D. (sup. 28 July), 1530, rector of his college 1526-9. See Boase, 31. [30]

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