Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/93

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Lowndes, Francis, s. Francis, of London (city), pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 3 July, 1640, aged 18; fellow 1643, B.C.L. 4 Aug., 1646; bursar by parliamentary visitors 1648, delegate of visitors 1647. See Burrows, 548.

Lowndes, John, s. Ralph, of Middlewich, Cheshire, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric. 20 March, 1673-4, aged 16; student of Gray's Inn 1674. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Lownes, Joyliffe, of co. Worcester, pleb. Hart Hall, matric. 14 June, 1594, aged 19.

Lownes, Ralph, B.A. 27 March, 1572, sup. as Lowe.

Lownes, Ralph, of Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 8 Dec., 1609, aged 16. [5],

Lowndes, Ralph, s. John, of Mobberley, Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric, 22 March, 1677-8, aged 19; rector of Eccleston, Cheshire. See Rawl. xxi. p. 5.

Lownds, Robert, B.A. from Christ Church 14 Oct., 1609; M.A. 30 June, 1612.

Lowndes, Robert, s. William, of Westmorland, arm. Gloucester Hall, matric. 14 July, 1695, aged 14; student of Inner Temple 1696. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Lownes, Samuel, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. 1 April, 1656, chorister 1656, demy 1658-60, B.A. 2 June, 1659, M.A. 26 April, 1662, B.D. 26 June, 1673, usher of the college school 1660-2, fellow 1662-74, from Middlesex; vicar of Oborne, Dorset, 1665, until his death July, 1674; one of the same names vicar of Ingham, 15 Oct. 1675, and of Cameringham, co. Lincoln, 13 Feb., 1676-7. See Bloxam, i. 79, v. 237; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Lowndes, Thomas, of Cheshire, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. entry under date 10 Jan., 1574-5, aged 23. [10],

Lowndes, Thomas, of co. Stafford, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. entry under date 20 March, 1578-9, aged 20.

Lownds, Thomas, of Bucks, "Servus Mri. Hawley, Principalis." Gloucester Hall, matric. 4 Dec., 1601, aged 18.

Lowse, John (Lousé, or Livesay), B.A. 31 Jan., 1576-7.

Lowse, William, of Somerset, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. entry under date 15 April, 1580, aged 20.

Lowson, Henry, 1616, and Lancelot 1631. See Lawson, page 889. [15],

Lowthe, John, of New Coll. 1538-43, from Sawtrey, Hunts (y.s. Edmund); scholar of Winchester College 1534, B.A. sup. April, 1540; LL.B. of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, 1545, vicar of Louth, co. Lincoln, 1549, of Chew Magna, Somerset, 1553, canon of Lincoln 1560-80, of Lichfield 1561, master of the hospital of St. John the Baptist at Bath 1562, chancellor of the diocese of Gloucester 1562, archdeacon of Nottingham 1565, rector of Gotham, Notts, 1567, and of St. Mary, Nottingham, 1569-72, canon of Wells 1570, rector of Hawton, Notts, 1574-89; his will dated 29 July, 1590, proved at York 12 Sept., following. See Cooper, ii. 93.

Lowth, William, s. William, of London (city), pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 2 July, 1675, aged 15; B.A. 1679, fellow, M.A. 1683, B.D. 1688; admitted to Merchant Taylors' school 1672, born 3 Sept., 1660, author of a "Commentary on the Prophets," rector of Overton 1694, and of Buriton, Hants, 1699, prebendary of Winchester 1696, until his death 17 May, 1732; father of Bishop Lowth. See Ath. iv. 712; Rawl. ii. 223, xviii. 55; Hearne, ii. 49; Robinson, i. 277; & Gent's. Mag. 1787, ii. 1028.

Lowther, Christopher, of Westmorland, militis fil. Queen's Coll., matric. 30 May, 1606, aged 19; B.A. 21 March, 1609-10 (s. Sir Christopher, knighted 13 April, 1603), rector of Lowther; brother of Richard 1602. See Foster's Yorkshire Collection.

Lowther, Christopher, born in Ireland, s. Lancelot, of Addingham, Cumberland, sacerd. Christ Church, matric. 16 Dec., 1646, aged 18, student 1646-8; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 11 June, 1649; M.A. from St. Mary Hall 29 May, 1652. See Al. West. 125; & Burrows, 488.

Lowther, (Sir) Christopher, s. Jo., of Stockbridge, Westmorland, bart. Queen's Coll., matric. 3 Nov., 1685, aged 19; 3rd bart., bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1690; died s.p. 2 Oct., 1731; brother of James 1688. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Lowther, Gerard, of Cumberland, arm. fil. nat. max. Queen's Coll., matric. 7 June, 1605, aged 15; bar.-at-law, Gray's Inn, 1614, as of Penrith, Cumberland, gent.; perhaps chief justice common pleas Ireland, and lord chancellor 1654. See Foster's Judges and Barristers & Foster's Yorkshire Collection. [21],

Lowther, (Sir) James, s. John, of London (city), bart. Queen's Coll., matric. 17 Dec., 1688, aged 15; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1712, bencher 1714; 4th bart., M.P. Carlisle (in 5 parliaments), 1694-1702, Appleby (May) 1723-7, Cumberland (in 9 parliaments) 1708-22, and 1727, until his death 2 Jan., 1755. See Foster's Judges and Barristers & Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Lowther, (Sir) John, (2nd) bart. Balliol Coll., matric. 29 Oct., 1657 (s. Sir Christopher), M.P. Cumberland in 9 parliaments Jan., 1665-81, 1685-7, 1689-1700, lord of the admiralty 1689; baptised at St. Bees 20 Nov., 1642; buried there 17 Jan., 1705-6; father of Christopher 1685, and of James 1688, and probably 1st cousin of Richard 1657. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Lowther, John, s. Robert, of London (city), arm. Trinity Coll., matric. 21 May, 1664, aged 17; of Lothbury, London, a Dantzic merchant, a commissioner of revenue Ireland; died 1697.

Lowther, (Sir) John, s. J., of Hackthorp, Westmorland, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 12 July, 1670, aged 15; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 1677 (as of Lowther), 2nd bart. on the death of his grandfather 1675, P.C. 1689, lord lieutenant Cumberland and Westmorland, 1st commissioner of the treasury 1690, M.P. Westmorland in 7 parliaments (March) 1677-9, 1681, 1685-7, 1689, until created Baron Lowther and Viscount Lonsdale 1696, privy seal 1699; died 10 July, 1700, aged 45; half-brother of William 1685. See Foster's Judges and Barristers & Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary. [25],

Lowther, John, s. Ralph, of Acworth Park, Yorks, arm. University Coll., matric. 27 Feb., 1700-1, aged 16; M.P. Pontefract 1722, until his death at Bath 1 July, 1729. See Foster's Yorkshire Collection.

Lowther, Lancelot, "eq. aur. fil."; B.A. from Oriel Coll. 14 May, 1614, M.A. 21 Jan., 1616-7 (3s. Sir Christopher), rector of Long Marton, Westmorland, and died in 1661. See Foster's Cumberland and Westmorland Visitations, pp. 85-6.

Lowther, Lancelot, B.A. Trinity Coll., Dublin; incorporated 11 Oct., 1624; M.A. from Christ Church 20 June, 1625 (s. William, of Ingleton, Yorks), rector of Kirkby Thore, Westmorland, 1629, and of Workington, Cumberland, 1634, which he had deserted in 1645, though in the following year he was sequestered by the Westminster assembly to the vicarage of Addingham, Cumberland; brother of Robert 1631, and father of Christopher 1646. See Add. MSS. 15,669-70-71; & Fasti, i. 418.

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