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When Poisons Clog KIDNEYS and Irritate Bladder Week — or Go Into Your salaries in Electricity — NOT ■■ by correspondence, but by an amazing modem method right bare in the great Coyne Shops that gives you a practical Train- ing in 90 days! Getting into Electricity is easier than you imagine if you choose the right method. You don’t need pre- vious experience or need a lot of book teaming. Start any time. Own Business Whether your age is 16 or 40. let us train yon to prepare for positions that lead to good Finance Yonr Training! Mall the coupon below and I’ll send you all details of my finance plan. Under this plan you can pay for your tuition in email monthly payments extending over an 18 -month period, starting 5 months after you start school* LEARN BY DOING— IN 90 DAYS IN THE GREAT COYNE SHOPS I don’t care if you don’t know an armature from an air brake — I don’t expect you tol In 12 brief weeks, in the great shops of Coyne, we tram you by practical shop work , . , on one of the greatest outlays of electrical apparatus ever assembled for training purposes. MANY EARN WHILE LEARNING If you need part time work to help pay your expenses we may be able to help you if you will write ana tell us your problems. When you graduate we ll give you lifetime employment service. DIESEL, REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Right now we are including additional instruction in Diesel Engines* Electric Refrigeration and Air Conditioning without extra cost co your training will be more valuable to you. GET MY BIG FREE BOOK! great chance to get into Electricity. This school is 37 years old — Coyne training is tested. You can find out everything absolutely free. Simply mail the coupon and let us send you the big, free Coyne book with photographs ... facts ... op- portunities. Tells you how many earn expenses while training and how we assist our graduates in the field. No obligation to you. So act et one Juat nizi! coupon. COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL

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SEND NOW FOR FULL DETAILS! | "l C. LEWIS, President. COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL I BOOS. Paulina St., Dest 68-69. Chicago, III. ■ ■ Dear Mr. Lewis: Without obligation send meyoBf big, free I S Catalog with facta about Covno Training andne tnila nt voup 0 | Pay-Tuition- After-Graduation’* flan. | I • Mail in envelope or paste on a postcard • J JUST DO THIS Go to your druggist today and get this safe. Swift and harmless diuretic and stimulant — ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and start at once to flush kidneys of waste matter satu- rated with acids and poisons. That’s the way to bring about healthy kidney activity and stop that bladder irritation which often causes scanty passage with smarting and burning as well as restless nights. Remember, the kidneys often need flushing as well as the bowels, and some symptoms of kidney weakness are: Getting up once or twice during the night — puffy eyes — cramps in legs — backache and moist palms. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules — the original and genuine — right from Haarlem in Holland — the price Is small (35 cents), the good results will fulfill your expectations. PROSTATE Gland Weakness Nervous Debility, Frequent} Night Rising, Log Pains, Lame Back, Lumbago, Sexual Weakness, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Chronic Constipation, Despondency, Restlessness at Night are only some of the ailments, differing in individuals, that can often be ascribed to lesion of the Prostate Gland. THOUSANDS AFFLICTED Thousands of men in every community suffer from these ailments, weaknesses and other physical shortcomings without knowing that very frequently they are caused by prostatic failure. MANY DOCTORS ENDORSE MASSAGE Massaging for the alleviation of Prostate Trouble is as aid as time, and some of the most outstandingi authorities in the medical pro- fession recommend massage as a safe effective treatment. (■See Reference Book of the Medical Sciences, VoL VII, 3rd Edition.) USE “PROSAGER” — a new Invention which enables any man to massage his Prostate Gland in the privacy of his home. It often brings relief with the first treatment and must help or it costs you nothing. No Drugs or Electricity. UNSOLICITED LETTERS OF GRATITUDE Each month we receive scores of unsolicited let- ters of gratitude and appreciation from users of the Prosager — having thousands of users we no doubt can refer Prostate Sufferers to someone in their own home town who is enthusiastic in their praise of the remarkable benefits received. The following are extracts from letters received, which are on file in our office: the complete letters and addresses will bo sent to anyone who is interested in inquiring for them: Mr. Henry Zitman, Auburn, Indiana, says: 'T will say this much for the Prosager, it has saved mo from an operation. The Doctor that treated me before I got it says it is a fine thing to use. If there is any one in this territory that wants to know about it. direct them to me.” Mr. Judson Trefethan, New Castle. N. H., writes about the Prosager: **I think it is a great invention, my Doctor came to see It, and he said it was a good Invention.” Mr. J. H. Harpster, Mlllersburg, Ohio, writes: *T have used your device for prostate trouble for almost a year. I now go from three to six hours and never get up nights more than once. I use it about once a week now. I am 78 years eld. Will do all I can to help introduce the Prosager.” FREE BOOKLET Explains Vital Details and Our TRIAL OFFER A one cent post card* with your name and address plainly writtei Is all that is necessary, address card to MIDWEST PRODUCTS CO., B-711, Kalamazoo, Mid». PR. W. D. BMITH


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