Page:Amazing Stories Volume 10 Number 13.djvu/8

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AND ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS SPORTSMEN, SAVE YOUR TROPHIES! Learn at home in spare time to mount all kinds of birds and animals. Decorate your den with trophies of field and stream. We teach you this FASCINATING SPORTSMEN’S HOBBY. Quickly, easily learned. Wild game is crowing scarcer. Trophies now more valuable than everl Shoot FEWER and MOUNT them true to life. IT’S PROFITABLE! Many earn 812 to $25 per week spare time mounting specimens for hunters. Why not YOU? Learn to make USE- FUL articles from mounted specimens such as book ends, lamps, etc., etc. (See squirrel lighter to left.) WILD GAME NOT NEEDED. !, r F? hunt yon can mount COMMON specimens r Owls, crows, pigeons, hawks, rabbits, even frogs. LEARN TANNING new method to TAN GENUINE LEATHER from all kinds of hides. Great spare time money maker, rprr pnnK Send right now for beautiful free H*l-“ 48-pagebooklet, illustrated, telling how easily YOU can learn to be a Taxidermy Artist. Con- tains many fine pictures. 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