Page:Amazing Stories Volume 16 Number 11.djvu/4

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AFTER AN AGE (Complete Novel) - by Eando Binder 8

Knight woke in a future world reduced to barbarism by war; and found his life work rebuilding it.

DINOSAUR GOES HOLLYWOOD (Short) - by Emil Petaja 122

What could be better when filming a picture featuring a dinosaur than to hove a real one to film?

JUGGERNAUT JONES, EXPRESSMAN (Short) - by A. R. McKenzie 132

Jones had to turn expressman this time to create a market for his planes—but not without trouble!

THE ETERNAL WALL (Short) - by Raymond Z. Gallun 144

It was a terrifying plunge into icy depths; down, down to certain death. Then a million years passed.

MURDER FROM THE MOON (Novelet) - by Robert Bloch 154

Eerie terror stalked the moon, and a strange killer suddenly revealed a double ability to strangle.

FLIGHT FROM FARISHA (Short Novel) - by Duncan Farnsworth 168

Like ancient Singapore, Farisha was besieged and doomed. A Venusian triumph meant disaster to Earth.

NAZI DIAMOND (Short) - by Richard O. Lewis 204

Diamonds are vital in the war effort for tool making, so there was a reason to value this invention.

THE SILVER COIL (Short) - by Thornton Ayre 214

It was a weird, glowing, silvery horror that floated down the corridor toward Madge—was it alive?

HARD GUY (Short-Short) - by H. B. Carleton 225

He was plenty tough, this hard guy from the 25th century—tough enough to make your blood run cold!


The Observatory 6

A New Use For Rats 131

Have A Date 143

The Tree That Gives Milk 152

A Bedtime Story 167

Fishing With Leaves 203

Champagne Launchings 213

Taming Plants 224

Scientific Mysteries 228

Discussions 233

Airship Of Io 238

Correspondence Corner 242

Front cover painting by Robert Gibson Jones illustrating a scene From "After An Age"
Back cover painting by James B. Settles depicting the "Airship Of Io"
Illustratlons by Russelt Milburn; L. Raymond Jones; William Panak; Brady; Magarian; J. Allen St. John; Harold Welch; Joe Sewed

Ceevrishl, 1942, Z1FF.DAVI5 PUBLISHING COMPANV Meabw of the Bereae of CIicsIoHom W illiam B. Ziff, PobRsher; 8. G. Davis, Editor

Raymond A. Palmer, Maeasdng Editor; Homan R. BoIHe, Ait Director; H. G, Strong, OreiloUon Dfiectoi We do not o cce pt responsibility lor the return of unsolicited monMotols or artwork. To fociittale handling, the evthor Aoutd enclose a seiLoddressed env^ope with the rmwisile postoge attached, and orthti should enclose or forward reiura postage. Aecopied Meriai is subioct to whatever revision is necessary to meet reouirements. Payment covers all a«rthon*,contrlbufon‘,andcoittestonis* rlohis, title, and Interest in and to thenalerlal occepled ond will be node at our current roles upon occeptance. All photos and drawings will be considered os pact of natertal porchoed.

The mmes of all dtaracten that are used In short stories, serials ond senl4fefion orHdes thot deal with types ore BcHHous. Use of o name which h the some os thol of any living person Is coincidental.

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