Page:Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu/196

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June 25th.
Still at Recy.

The brancardiers think that we are soon going to move to Suippes or some place near there. If this rumor is true it will mean a lot of hard work for us. I am afraid, however, it won't last very long for me personally. For my time expires on the eighth of July and I will very likely leave the section then. I am expecting a cable from home, telling me whether or not I can enter Aviation or go down to Salonika in the Ambulance Service there. If the family disapproves of both of these things, I presume that I shall have to go home.

There is a little mouse who lives in the wall of our dining-room whom we have nick-named Napoleon Xenophon. He is a master of strategy and the combined efforts of the entire section have not yet resulted n his capture. Harrison and Tenney formulated the brilliant scheme yesterday of placing a string noose over the mouth of his home; and patiently waiting, one on either side, until the villain should emerge, they intended to jerk the cord and crush in his neck from the terrific pressure. But although they stayed there for several hours and got him to come out quite frequently by using bread for