Page:America Fallen!.djvu/212

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America Fallen

fronted by the full strength of the German Army or, say, including the first and second reserves, by 4,000,000 men."

Here the Secretary of State interposed to say :

"The President has only to send out a call for volunteers, and out of our 100,000,000 citizens, 10,000,000 would spring to arms before the sun had set."

"True, Mr. Secretary," said the Chief of Staff, "but you must remember that securing the men is the simplest part of the problem. Moreover, you must not forget that the most populous portion of the country is held by the enemy, and if he can prevent it—which he will—not a single volunteer will be available from the captured territory.

"The problem, however, is not to get the men, but the officers to lead them and the rifles, uniforms, ammunition, and above all the artillery, with which to equip