Page:America Fallen!.djvu/84

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America Fallen

Report from Commander W. Neumann of the Submarine U-30 to the Commander-in-Chief of the German Fleet at New York:

Flagship U-30,
Limon Bay,
Panama Canal Zone,
April 1, 1916.

Commander-in-Chief, Imperial German Expeditionary Fleet, New York.

Sir:—I have the honor to report, that following your instructions, my flotilla, consisting of U-30, U-31, U-32, reached Limon Bay, Panama Canal Zone, at nightfall, March 31st, convoyed by the light cruiser Rostock. At 3 A.M., April 1st, proceeded at the surface, under electric motors, through the dredged entrance to the canal, laying our course by the canal range lights, which we found to be excellently placed. When off Cristobal,