Page:America Fallen!.djvu/89

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The Raid of the Submarines

abled. The gates at the Atlantic end of the Gatun locks have been torpedoed, and the Panama Canal put out of commission. Information as to success at Panama reached me from landing force at Colon, which, after sending messages, destroyed long-distance radio station there. Another landing force captured long-distance radio at Key West and sent U. S. secret code message, directing U. S. Atlantic fleet proceed Vera Cruz to Guantanamo. Information regarding success at Boston, Norfolk, Charleston, and Pensacola was relayed to me by cruisers stationed along coast for that purpose. Sayville Station captured early this A.M. by motorcycle corps from landing force at New York. My earlier report has given particulars of the successful landing and operations of expeditionary force at this city. The situation is developing very favorably.

During voyage of fleet across Atlantic,