Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/855

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[N. S. 1, 1899

Dublin, 1899. 3. s., v, 211-215.—— Notice of a crannog at Lough- a-Trim, Kellucan, County Weslmeath. Ibid., 216-218.—Foanay (H. P.) The instrument of the rosary. Reliquary & Illustr. Archarat., Lond., 1890, v, 98; 161. — Fewkes (J. W.) The Alosaka cult of the Hopi Indians. Am. Anthrop., N. Y., 1899, n. s., i. 522-544. pl—— Hopi basket dances. J.' Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1899, xii, 81-96.— Florian (E.) La psicologia del vagabondi , Scuola positive, Fiesolc. 1899. ix. 257-187. — Fouilleé (A.) Le progrès social en France. Rev. d. deux mondes. Par., 1899. cliii, 8(5-843.— Fouju (G.) Osse- ments humains decouverts dans une couche de terre argileuse, a Aunay-sur- Crècy (Eure-et-Loir). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1899, 4. s., x, 88-91.— Fourdriguier (E.) Divinites accouppies. Ibid., 158-170. — Frames (M. E.) On some stone implements found in a cave in Greenland-East. Cape Colony. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., i. 251-257. 1 pl.— Franke (H.) Zum Ladaker Volkslied, Globus, Brnschwg., 1899, lxxv, 238-242— Fraser (J.) Initiation among the Australian blacks. Am. Antiquarian, Chicago, 1899, xxi, 233-235 — Fraser(M. F. A.) A Manchee ukase. J. China Branch, Roy. Asiat. Soc., Shanghai, 1S99, n. s., xxi, 161-176. — Fraser (J. G.) Observations on Central Australian totemism. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1808-9, n. s., i, 281-286.— Friederiel Die Behandluog weiblicher Gefangener durch die Indianer von Nord-amerika. Globus. Brnschwg.. 1899, lxxv, 256-261.— Friedländer (B.) Notizen über Samoa. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1899. xxxvi. 1-55—Fry (R. E.) A weekly miracle, Cornhill Mag., Lond., 1899. 353-361.— Gasequet (A.) La culte et les mystères de Mittira. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1899. clii, 530-562, — Gauckler (P.) Découvertes à Carthage. Compt. rend. Acad, d inscr.. Par., 1899, 4. s.. xxvii. 156-165.— Giglioli (E. H.) L' eta delta pietra nella Cina, colla descrizione di alcuni esemplari nella mia collezione. Arch, perl'anthrop., Firenze, 1898. xxviii, 361-379. IlCambarysú; telefono dei Caluquinani dell' Amazzonia. Ibid., 381-386.— Giuffrida-Ruggeri (V.) Le basi scheletriche della rjssomigmassime nella norma facciale. Ibid., 355-360.——La capaciti della fossa cerebellare. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1899, xxv, 131-135——Ueber die Anomalien des Unterkiefers. Centralbl. l. Anthrop. [etc.], Jena, 1899, iv, 193-195 — Goddard (E. 11.) Fragments of Saxon cross-shaft and silver ornament recently found in Wiltshire. Reliquary & Illustr. Archxol., Lond., 1899, v, 129-131. —— Remarkable pot found at Latton, Wilts. Ibid., 192. — G{{subst:o}}tze (A.) Neolithiscbe Hūgelgrāber im Berlach bei Gotba. Nachr. U. deutsche Alterthumsf., Berl., 1899, i. 9-16 —— Das R{{subst:o}}merkastell Saalburg. Globus, Brnschwg., 1899, Ixxvi, 55-58. —— Gomme (G. L.) Ethnological data in folklore : a criticism. Folk- Lore, Lond., 1699, x, 129-143. — Goodall (E.) On anthropological work in asylums, with a practical scheme for conducting the same in adults. Lancet, Lond., 1899. it, 140-151 — Gowen (H. H.) The Hawaiian language and Indo-European affinities. Am. Antiquarian. Chicago, [809, xxi, 91-97. — Greger- (J.) Patagonien und dessen Brwwobner. Deutsche Rundsch., Berl., 1899, xxi, 206-219.— Gross (H.) Dis Gaunerzinken der Freistadter II and - schrift. Arch. f. Krim. Anthrop. u. Kríminalst., Leipz., 1899, ii, 1-62, 52 pl.— Guise (R. E.) On the tribes in- habiting the mouth of the Wanigeia river. New Guinea. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, n. a., i, 205-219. — Gulick (L.) Psychological, pedagogical and religious aspect ofgroup games. Pedagog. Semin., Worcester, Mass., 1898-9, vi. 135-151.— H. (C.) Physical measurement of public schoolboys. Nature. Lond., 1899-1900, lx, 198.— Hahn (E.) Zur Theorie der Entstehung des Ackerbaues. Ulohus. Brnschwg., 1B99, bur, 281-287. —Hall (G. S.) Initiations into adolescence [among savage and civilized peoples]. Proc. Am. Antiq. Soc. 1898, Worcester. 1899, n. s., xii, 367-400. A study of anger. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1898-9, x, 516-591.—Hamy (E. T.) les géophagesdu Tonkin. Bull, du Mas. d'hist. nat., Par., 1899, 64. — Helkonberg. Kaflerncollegcn. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899. xxv, 380-382.— Hewitt (J. F.) The pre-Aryan commercial village in India and Europe. J. Roy. Asiat. Soc, Lond., 1809, 329-356.— Hilder- (F. F.) Origin of the name "Indian." Am. Anthrop.. N. Y., 1899, n. s., i, 545 -54Q— Hiller (A. P.) The native races of South Africa. J. Roy. Colon. Inst., Lund., 1899, xxx, 77-113. — Hill-Tout (C.) "Squaktktquaclt," or the benign -faced, the Cannes of the Ntlaka-