Page:American Historical Review, Volume 12.djvu/514

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504 Providence Meetijig of the Complimentary resolutions of the usual character were presented and passed. The committee on nominations, Messrs. A. C. Mc- Laughlin, E. L. Stevenson and J. A. Woodburn, proposed a list of officers, all of whom were chosen by the x^ssociation. Dr. J- Frank- lin Jameson was elected president, Professor George B. Adams first vice-president, and Professor Albert Bushnell Hart second vice- president. Mr. A. Howard Clark, Professor C. H. Haskins and Dr. Clarence W. Bowen were re-elected to their former positions. In the place of Professors Bourne and McLaughlin, who had been thrice elected to the Executive Council, Mr. Worthington C. Ford and Professor William MacDonald were chosen. Officers and Committees of the American Historical Association J. Franklin Jameson, Washington. Professor George B. Adams, New Haven. Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, Cam- bridge. A. Howard Clark, Esq., Smithsonian In- stitution, Washington. Corresponding Secretary, Professor Charles H. Haskins, 15 Pres- cott Hall, Cambridge, ]Iass. Treasurer, Clarence W. Bowen, Esq., 130 Fulton Street, New York. President, First Vice-president, Second Vice-president. Secretary, Executiir Council (in addition Hon. Andrew Dickson White,' President James Burrill Angell,' Henry Adams, Esq.,' James Schouler, Esq.,' Professor George Park Fisher,' James Ford Rhodes, Esq.,' Charles Francis Adams, Esq.,' Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan,' Henry Charles Lea, Esq.,' to the above-named officers) : Professor Goldwin Smith,' Professor John Bach McMaster,' Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin.' Professor George P. Garrison, Reuben G. Thwaites, Esq., Professor Charles M. Andrews, Professor James H. Robinson, Worthington C. Ford, Esq., Professor William ^MacDonald. Committees: Committee on Programme for the Tzcenty-third Annual Meet- ing: Professor Alfred L. P. Dennis, University of Wis- consin, chairman : Charles H. Haskins, Frank H. Hodder, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Frederick J. Turner, and Claude H. 'an Tvne.