Page:American History Told by Contemporaries, v2.djvu/73

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No. 17]
Witches' Testimony

(H) what did it propound to you.
(O) that I should goe no more to meeting, but I said I would and did goe the next Sabbath day.
(H) were you never tempted furder.
(O) no.
(H) why did you yield thus far to the devil as never to goe to meeting since
(O) Alas. I have been sike and not able to goe. her husband and others said that shee had not been at meeting this yeare and two months. . . .

Salem Village March 1st 1691.

Titiba an Indian woman brought before vs by Const Joseph Herrick of Salem vpon Suspition of witchcraft by her committed according to ye complaint of Jos. Hutcheson and Thomas Putnam &c of Salem Village as appears p warrant granted Salem 29 ffebry 16912 Titiba vpon examination and after some deny all acknowledged ye matter of fact according to her examination giuen in more fully will appeare, and who also charged Sarah Good and Sarah Osburne with ye same . . .

(H) Titibe whan evil spirit have you familiarity with.
(T) none.
(H) why do you hurt these children.
(T) I do not hurt them,
(H) who is it then.
(T) the devil for ought I know.
(H) Did you never see the devil.
(T) The devil came to me and bid me serve him.
(H) Who have you seen.
(T) Four women sometimes hurt the children.
(H) Who were they.
(T) Goode Osburn and Sarah Good and I doe not know who the other were. Sarah Good and Osburne would have me hurt the children but I would not she further saith there was a tale man of Boston that she did see.
(H) when did you see them.
(T) Last night at Boston.
(H) what did they say to you.
they said hurt the children
(H) and did you hurt them
(T) no there is 4 women and one man they hurt the children and