Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 11.djvu/289

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The Bontoc Igorot. By Albert Ernest Jenks. Manila, 1905. Pp. 266.
Negritos of Zambales. By William Allan Reed. Manila, 1904. Pp. 89.

No government as such has done so much for the promotion of the study of early forms of society and the non-civilized races as the government of the United States, and these two volumes (Vol. I, and Vol. II, Part 1) of the publications of the Ethnological Survey of the Philippines, we may hope, are the beginning of a series which will be of as much significance to science as the Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Dr. Jenks and Mr. Reed have made a most creditable beginning. Their profuse use of photographs is fortunate, and their tendency to give a description of the whole life of the people, and to disclose the intimate and personal side of the life of the natives, is most welcome to those of us who are more immediately interested in problems of mental and social development than in physical statistics.

W. I. Thomas.