Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/178

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Man: Man in his relation to the solar system, a object for scientific re-examinatior .

Marriage : Les oofcimet du manage en provence a la fin du moyen age, AJbertBabeau, RefS.,

Souvenirs de la Chine Le manage de 1'em-

r, Meynersd'Estrey. J EC., My. Met;., System, Herbert SpciKcr. 1'SM.. Jr. Municipal Government : Power of municipal cor- ns lo regulate telephone charges, control and force overhead wires into conduits, H.C.McDougal.ALR.,My. Negro problem: The unaided solution of the southern race problem, A. S. Van de Graaf,

Parliament: (For review of the work of parlia- uy bodies set RPP.)

Prof. Dewey on interest and the will,

Hy. penal,

I f 'Herbart, Wilhelm Rein. F., M Penology: Les doctrines nouvelles du droit

. RPe., Ap. The discharged convict in Europe, Samuel Bar-

rows, LH. .Je. (For information on the various aspects of penol-

ogy it* BG., RPe.).

Philosophy: Ueber einige Grundfragen derkant- ischen Philosophic, F. Standings, ASP.,

Idee y und Personlichkeit, M. J. Monrad, ASP.,

aspects of Hegel's Philosophy, Hiralal

Haldar, PhR., My.

Lotze's Monism, F; C. S. Schiller, PhR., My. Perception et matiere, H. Bergson, RMM.,

My. Warum vertrauen wir den grundlegen den Hy-

pothesen unseres Denkens, A. Grotenfelt,

ZPK., My. Idealismo, materialismo e positivismo, G. Mar-

chesini, RIF., My. Generalization et induction, G. Fonsegrive, RPh.,

Police: La police a Paris, Gco. Graux, RPP. Ap. Political Economy: Teaching of economics, J. L.

I-aughlin, Atlantic Monthly, My. Revue des principals publications economiques

de Titranger, Maurice Block, JEc., Ap. I'ntersuchung der wirtschaftlichen Verhaltnisse

in 24 Gemeinden des Konigreiches Bayern,

v. Haag, JGV., Ap. Die Preisentwickelung im Jahre 1895 und den

Vorjahren, J. Conrad, INS., My. " Ueber Sparsamkeit von Standpunkte der nation -

alen Kultur- und Social-politik, Heinrich

Herkner, JGV., Ap. (For summary of events of especial importance

to Political Economy see JEc.. GEc.). Political Science: Seebohm's Tribal System in

Wales. W.J. Ashley, PSQ.,Je. Les paroisses rurales dans 1'ancienne France, P.

Imbart de la Tour, RH., My. La decentralization administrative, D. Tousand,

SS., Ap.

Political obligation, Ed.V. Reynolds, YR., My. The fallacy of territorial extension, W. G. Sum-

ner. F.. Je. The European question, Jules Simon, CoR.,

A M * riain Coininonw el^. E. J. James,

I* ouerminet* Politique dans le droit moderac,

<leKerallain,RefS.,Ap. Politics: (For summary of politics, national and

international, tti DR., RPP., RRA.) Poor relief: Mr. Hobson on poverty, W. H. Mai- lock, CoR., Je.

Relief by means of employment, T. Mackay,

EcR., Ap.

The cultivation of vacant city lots, M. A. Mik- kelsen, F., My.

Population : La vraie loi de population, Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, AMP., My.

Profit sharing : Profit sharing, Washington Glad- den, LrT, Je.

Property : Notions de la Propriete", et deux de ses charges ou fonctions, Abbe Feret, AC., Ap.

Prostitution: Sexual purity, S. D. McConnell, S.,

restitution des Mineures, G. Leredu, RPe.,

My. La Pi

Ap. Protection vs. Free Trade: England's return to

protection, Geo. Gunton, GM., My. Psychology: The mental cure in its relation to

modern thought, Horatio Dresser, A., Je. The will to believe, William James, NW., Je. Entwicklungsfaktoren der niederlandischen Friih-

renaissance, Fr. Carstanjen, VWP., Je. Die letzten Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie und

Metaphysik, E. von Hartmann, ZPK., My. La follia di Ofelia, N. R. D'Alfonso, RIF, My. The accuracy of recollection and observation,

Frederick Bolton, FsR., My. Character and the emotions, Alexander Shand,

Mi.,Ap. Zur Diagnose psychischer Vorganze mit beson-

derer Bezugnahme auf Hamlet* sGeisterzustand,

S. Landmann, ZPP., Je. Railroads: Twenty years of railways, H. R.

Hobart, Railway Age, Je. 13. Federal railway regulation, H. T. Newcomb,


English railway accounts for 1895, IR., My. Religion: The conception of immortality in Spi- noza's Ethics, A. E. Taylor, ML, Ap. II congresso delle religioni a Chicago nel 1893,

B. Labanca, RIF., My. Russia: Russia and its Ruler, W. T. Stead, RRN.,


Science: Generalisation et induction, G. Fonse- grive, RPh., Ap. The philosophical method of Isaac Newton,

L. R. Harley. Ed., Je. La science rationnelle, G. Millhaud, RMM.,

My. Der Empiriokritizismus als einzig wissenschaft-

licher Standpunkte, R. Willy, VWP., Je. Single Tax: The ethics of the single tax, AMC.,

My. Societies: (For information as to the meetings of

educational and scientific societies see Sc.,

Nt.) Social analysis : An analysis of the structure of a

western town, Arthur Dunn, ChR., Ap. Socialism: Die Socialdemokratie und die Land-

frage, Wilhelm Bohmert, Ar., Ap. Le socialisme au XVIIIe siecle, Henry Clement,

RefS., Ap. 16, also My. i, My. 16. Les solutions socialistes et le fonction narisme,

Eugene Rostand, RefS., My. 16. Social movements: (For Social movements see

RefS., RiS., RIS., SS.)

Society: Our American proletariat, GM., My. L'Elite intellectuelle et 1'Aristocratie, J. Navi-

cour, RPP., My.

Sociology: Sociology (Review of Giddings' Prin- ciples of Sociology), Nt., My. 21. La musique au point de vue sociologique, Ca-

mille Bellaique, RDM., My. i. General sociology & criminal sociology, C. R.

Henderson, ChR., Ap. Individualism & societism, Z. S. Holbrook, BS.,

Je. Des forces qui determinent 1'evolution du

milieu social, L. Beaurin-Gressier, RIS., Ap.