Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/508

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social environment than to natal characteristics. Her face is ugly and repulsive, and her whole demeanor shows under-vital- i/ation and degeneration on account of her mode of life. Some years ago she married a colored man named "B ," who subse- quentlv died. She has four children, one white and three col- ored, each OIK- having a different father. The oldest was born a long time before her marriage. The woman works a little, does considerable foraging and tramps the street much of the time, but is considered a harmless creature so far as social order is concerned. With her, as with all of the remainder, sexual relations are irregular.

" X ," (Fig. 6) the oldest son of "A ," is about eighteen years of age, and has a fair degree of phvsical strength. He is not much at home but remains most of the time in the portion of the town known as " the badlands." Several times he has been apprehended for stealing. More re- cently he has done a little

work. He has intellect enough and sufficient physical endurance to be- come a criminal if his mode of life is not changed. "X " is sup- posed to be always "find- ing work."

"S,"thesecond child, (Fig. 7) is also a colored boy, about fourteen years

of age. He is inclined to stupidity, but shows extreme good nature and is perfectly contented with a happy-go-lucky life. When questioned he shows a disposition to do something if he had a chance. But with a real test he is inclined to

FIG. 5. G ; A.