Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/769

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Sandeman, George. Problems of biology. Lon- don, Swan, Sonnenschein. 220 pp. 8vo. 6s.

Youmans, W. ]. Pioneers of science in America: sketches of their lives and scientific work ; re- printed from Popular Scienct Monthly. N. \ ., Appleton. 508 pp. $4.

Charities and Poor Relief.

Costa de Beauregard. La Charite sociale en Angle- terre. Les " College Settlements " ct I' Union social catholique. Paris, Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 27 pp. 8vo.

Didot, J. Le Pauvre dans 1'Ancien Testament, etude biblique. Paris, 6 rue Furstenburg. 04pp.

Du Camp, M. La charite privee a Paris, Ed. 5. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 451 pp. i6mo. fr. 3.50.

Festugiere, P. La Charite en France. Unrecense- ment general des oeuvres charitables. Paris, Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 38 pp. 8vo. 60 cent.

France, La, charitable et prevoyante. Tableau des oeuvres et institutions du departement de la Corse, public par les soins de 1 'Office central des oeuvres de bienfaisance. Paris, Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 4 pp. 8vo. (Also same pub- lication for 18 other departments of France.)

Giuffrida, Orazio. Mantenimento e cura degli in- digent! inabili al lavaro. Palmi, tip. Feuciano Campitelli. 67 pp. 8vp. L. 3.

Kurtz, C. Die Armenpflege im preussischen Staate. Eine systematisch geordnete Sammlg. Bros- lau, W. Koebner. 168 S. lamo. ^^. 2.50.

Manual of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, translated from the French. Montreuil-sur- Mer, imp. Duquat. 455 pp. i6mo.

New York. The poor, insanity, and state charity laws with forms and annotations by R. C. Cummings and F. B. Gilbert. Albany, Mat- thew Bender. 546 pp. 8vo. $5.

Rapport sur le service des enfants assistcs et de la protection du premier age (departement du Gard) Nimes, imp. Chastanier. 114 pp. 8vo.

Regie. Constitutions et Coutumier des Sorurs de Marie-Immaculee de Bourges. 442 pp. Bourges, imp. Tardy Pigelet.

Sales, Saint Francis de. (Euv res completes, Nouvelle edition, 10 vols. Svo. Bar-le-Duc, libr. Con- tant-Laguerre.

Schafcr, Thdr. Die innerc Mission in der Schule, ein Handbuch f. den Lehrer. 3 Aufl. Dres- den. Ferlagsanstalt Frauenerwerb. 236 S. 8vo. M. 3.

Schriften des deutschen Vereins f. Armenpflege u. Wohlthatigkeit. 24-28 Hft. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 156 S. Svo. M. 3 .6o.


Bolton, C. E. A few 'civic problems of greater Cleveland, Cleveland, O.. by the author, C. E. Bolton. 40 pp. Svo. xoc.

Devlin, T. C. Municipal reform in the United States. (Questions of the day series. No. 87.) N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. i 74 pp.

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Hopkins, W. R. The street railway problem in Cleveland. N. Y., Pub. for Am. Econ. Assoc. by The Macmillan Co. 376 pp. Svo. Paper,

, A. I.' Administration municipale aux 13 iccle dans les villes de consulat. Paris, Ber- ger-Levrault & Cie. 95 pp. Svo. fr. 8.50. Robida, A. Paris a travers rhistoire. Texts and Paris, imp. Kapp.

illustrations. Livr. 1-99.

Sbanrelf^Arthur. and a contrast. ( London, Meutheti. 196 pp. n. 6d.

Welch, Charles. Modern history of the city of London: a record of municipal and social progress from 1760 to the present day. Lon- don, Blades. 504 pp., il. 410. 42$.


Almanach de la France rurale et des syndicats agricoles pour 1'annee 1897 (2iannee). Paris, lib. Gautier. 180 pp. 50 cent.

Almanach de la societe des agriculteurs de France (7* annee). Paris, Colin & Cie. 240 pp. 25 cent.

Bouge, A. Les conditions du travail et le collec- tivisme. Paris, (Colin & Cie. 122 pp. fr. 1.50.

Congrcs (septieme) du credit populaire tenu a Nimes, 1895. Menton, Imp. cooperative men- tonnaise. 366 pp. Svo.

Dana, Chas. A. Proudhon and his " Bank of the People" (first published in A'. J'. Trib**t, 1847). N. Y., B. F. Tucker. 67 pp. i6mo.


Diffusion du credit populaire rural dans les Alpes- Maritimes .... exemples d'organisation de societes cooperatives de credit rural. Menton, Imp. cooperative mentonnaise. 62 pp.

Muller, Hans. Die schweizerischen Konsumgenos- senschaften, ihre Entwickelg. u. ihre Resuhate. Bern, Schmid, Francke & Co. M. 7.50.

Perceron, J. Des fondateurs de societes anonymes (these). Montheliard, imp. Hoffmann. 244 pp. Svo.

Proceedings of the First International Cooperative Congress held in London, 1895, with reports on cooperation in various countries. London, P. S. King & Son. 432 pp., portraits. Svo. IDS.

Rayneri, Ch. Le credit agricole par 1'association cooperative : manuel a 1'usage des promoteurs et administrateurs. Ed. 2. Paris, Guillaumin & Cie. fr. 1.50.

Rayneri, C. Modes divers de realisation du credit agricole par 1'initiative privee, conference don nee a Caen, Menton, Imp. cooperative mentonnaise. 48 pp. Svo.

Criminology and Penology.

Ferri, Enr. II congresso d'antropologia criminate a Ginevra. Firenze, tip. cooperativa. 24 pp. Svo.

Ferri, Enr. I delinquent! nell' arte. Geneva, libr. Ligure edit. 186 pp. Svo. L. 2.50.

Mimande, Paul. Criminopolis. Paris, C. ! 323 pp. i6mo. fr. 3.50.

Nicefaro, Alfr. II gergo nei normal! nei degenerati e nei criminali. Torino, fratelli Bocca edit. 182 pp. Svo. L. 4.

Pnidhomme, Henri. Le Congrcs national de patronage des libcres de Bordeaux. Paris, lib. redone. 20 pp. Svo.

Statist ique penitent iairc pour 1'annce 1843. Ex- pose generate de la situation des services et des divers tablissements. Melun. Imp. ad- ministrative. 528 pp. Svo.



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Life in West London: a study

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II problem, del lavoro educatiro. orino, stamp, reale della ditto G. B. Paravia edit 87 pp. i6mo. L. 1.50.