Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/782

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Finance: Currency discussion in Massachusetts in the eighteenth century, II, A. M. Davis, QJE.,Ja.

The Indianapolis monetary convention. ('. M., 1".

La monnaie auxiliaire dans 1'antiquite, Ernest Bahelon, SS.. I).

La monnaie moderne et 1'usure universelle, Chabry, AC.. .In.

Papers of the finance department (Am. Soc. Science Assoc.). Journal of Soc. Science, N.

Some practical suggestions from students of Finance, A. T. Ha,l!.y & others, RRN., Ja.

Free silver 7>s. free gold, Frank Parsons, A., O.

What the remonetization of silver would do for the republic, J. P. Jones, A., O.

Silver, a money metal, J. T. Morgan, A., O.

Fallacies about gold and silver, GM., S. France: Die revolutionaten Studenten in Frank - reich wiihrend der Restauration u. der Juli- Monarchie, L. Heritier, NZ., 48.

The cashiers of 1788 as an evidence of a com- promise spirit, C. H. Lincoln, AHR., Ja.

The French revolution, H. M. Stevens, Chautau- quan, D.

A group of eminent French women, E. L. Didier, Chautauquan, O.

The French republic, C. M. Andrews, Chautau- quan, O.

The baptism of Clpvis, Rv. Dr. Jessoppi, NC., S.

(See also Population.) Free trade : sea Tariff.

Great Britain: Home rule and the Irish party, T. P. O'Connor, CoR., Ag.

Sisyphus in Ireland, H. O. Arnold- Forster.NC,

A visit to Queen Elizabeth, J. H. Round, NC.,


The vulnerability of England, IR., Ja. Was Pitta prophet? Dicey, CoR., S. Was Pitt a prophet? Lord Stanmore & others,

CoR.,0. The coming struggle on the Nile, A. S. White,

NAR.,8 Heredity: Heredity in mental disease, J. F. Bris-

coe,JMS.,0. Significance of Weismann's doctrine in insanity,

Geo. R. Wilson, JMS.,O. Hereditary influences and medical progress, J. J.

Morrissev, A., Ja. (See also Evolution.)

History: Die Moral der Geschichte, NZ., 15: 14. Die Entwickelung der antiken Geschichtsschrei-

bung, IV-VI, Otto Seek, DRu., Ag. The Vatican archives, C. H. Haskings, AHR.,


(See also Names of countries.) Home : The American home, E. P. Powell, LH., O. Housing: Half a century of improved housing,

W. H. Tolman, YR., N. La quest ion des logements ouvriers en Allemagne,

Albert Jaffe, RIS.,0.

Model lodging houses for New York, RRL., Ja. Immigration: Statistics of immigration, GM., D. Indian: The training of, LH., D. Individualism vs. Collectivism, Leonard Courtney,

PSM., D. Industry: Why American industry languishes,

H. A. Herbert, NAK., <>. Utah as an industrial object lesson, W. E. Smythe,

Atlantic, D. Injunction: Government by injunction, GM.,"O.

(See also Labor. ) Insanity: Is insanity increasing? Thomas Drapes,

FK".. Hospital treatment of the insane in asylums, J.

..lierson. JMS.,<).

County care of the insane under state super- vision, J. E. Heg, LH., S.

Insurance: Die finanzielle Stellung des Reiches zur Arbeiterversicherung, INS., O.

Die geplante Reform der deutschen Arbeiter- versicherung, W. Kulemann, ASG, 9: 3.

Zur Frage der Unfall- und Krankenversicherung in der Schweiz, F. Schuler, ASG., 9: 5.

Die Arbeitslosigkeitsversicherung u. die Frank - farter Zeitunp, K. Kautsky, NZ., 15:9.

Are trade unions benefit societies? Sidney & Beatrice Webb, EcR., O.

Die Anfange des Arbeiterschutzes in Frank - reich, I, V. Mataja, ZVS., 5: 3.

Labor insurance in Germany, GM., D.

Les malades et les vieillards dans les societes rurales de secours mutuels, L. de Goy, RPP.,

Interest : see Political economy.

International law: La i8e session de 1'Institut de

droit international, Venise, 1896, RDL, 28: 5. International law, Lord Russell, LQR., O. The Cuban insurrection and American neutrality,

Joseph Wheless, ALR., F. Lord Russell's address before the Am. Bar

Assoc., LH., S. Lord Russell on, ALR., O. L'unification du droit maritime, RDI, 28: 5. The Olney doctrine & America's new foreign

policy, Sidney Low, NC., D. La doctrine de Monroe et le Venezuela, Thomas

Barclay, RDL, 18: 5. (See also Arbitration.)

Inventions: The march of inventions, GM., O. Jews: The Jew baiting on the continent, Dr.

Emil Reich, NC., S.

Labor: Les conditions du travail et le collecti- vism, A. Bauge, RPP., S. Der Normalarbeitstag und die englischen Ge-

werkschaften, Sidney & Beatrice Webb, ASG., Q:.3- Essai sur la remuneration du travailleur et du

capitaliste dans 1'oeuvre de la production, A.

Nogues, AC., Ja. A plea of labor from the standpoint of a Russian

peasant, E. H. Crosby, A., Ja. A colony of the unemployed (Die Arbeiter-Ko-

lonie), Josiah Flynt, Atlantic, D. Die Lohnfrage unter dem englischen Submis-

sionswesen, VSV., 5 : 3. Die rechtliche Behandlung der Arbeit, W.

Endemann,JNS., N. Ein Brief von Karl Marx an J. B. von Schweizer

iiber Lassalleanismus u. Gewerkschaftskampfe,

NZ.,i 5 :i. (For valuable statistics & information on labor

see BDL., BOT., LG.) The industrial community at Essen, W. F. Wil-

loughby, LH., N.

Labor riots and so-called " government by in- junction," L. E. Curtis, EMD. La monographic d' atelier, RefS., D. i. Paysans et ouvriers depuis sept siecles, II. Les

salaires aux temps modernes, George d'Avenel,

RDM., O. 15. L'ouvrier Americain. Ill, Emile Levasseur,

L' Academic des Sciences Morales et Poli-

tiques, N.

(See also Agriculture & Wages.) The autonomy of labor, H. W. Wolff, CoR., Ag. Die Organisation des Handwerkes, NZ., 50, 51, The standard of living of American workingmen,

Emile Levasseur, YR., Ag. Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des italie-

nischen Proletariats, Werner Sombart, ASS.,

8:4. Trade unions in the United Kingdom, J. M.

Ludlow, Atlantic, I >. The standard rate, Sidney & Beatrice Webb,

EcJ., S.