Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/918

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Gladden, Washington, 52, 439, 872

Gobat, Dr., 10

Godchot, 6

Godkin, E. L., 626 ab, 743 bk

Godt, 482

Godwin, William. 870

Goethe, 347, 649

Gohre, Paul, 59,72

Goldberg, Mecislas, 315

Gore, J. H., 331 ab

Gould, E. R. L., 58, 152 ab

Gould, Jay, 39

Gounelle, Elie, 619 ab

Goy, Louis de, 483 ab

Grant, U. S., 465

Grasserie, Raoul de la, 140 ab, 315, 884 ab t 885 ab

GREAT BRITAIN. The growth of British policy,

118-25 bk; America and Europe, 474 ok Greeley, Horace, 465 Green, Daniel, 512 Green, T. H., 139, 651, 652, 658 Grosse, E., 799, 800 Gschwind, 40 Gumplowicz, Louis, 315 Guyau, 255, 260

Hadley,A.T., 739^

Hake, A. E., 660

Hale, W. B., 830

Halsey, J. I., 127 rv, 129 rv

Hamilton, William, 700

Hare, Thomas, 32

Harris, George, 133 bk, 283

Harrison, Benjamin, 465

Harrison, Frederick, 649

Hart, H. H., 369-77 ar

Haworth, Charles, 647

Hayes, R. B., 465

Hegel, G. W. F., 342, 357, 577 , 2J sup

Heim, Pastor, 143 ab

Held. Adolf, 647

Henderson, C. R., 58-73 ar, 125 rv, 132 rv, 133

rv, 135 rv, 136 rv, 317 rv, 318 rv, 319 rv, 609

rv, 609 rv, 739 rv, 751 rv, 751 rv, 849, 869,

870, 875 rv, 880 HEREDITY. Heredity and Christian Problems,

32 bk. (See also Evolution) Herkner, H., 58 Hewes, F. W., 369 Heyn, E. T., 622 ab Hicks, E. L., 626 ab Hirsch, 60

Hirsch, William, 327 ab, 873 bk HISTORY. An Ethnologist's View of History,

138 bk ; ideals as a force in. 139 ; nature of recent,

464^ The Laiu of Civilization and Decay,

467-72 bk; philosophy of, in Germany, 578-88;

best interpreted in light of present, 849. (See also

under names of countries) Hobbes, 539, 795 Hobhouse, 646

Hobson, J. A., 145 ab, 328, 627 ab, 658, 659, 871 Hodder, 646 Hodel, 59

Holmes, G. K., 517, 871 Holyoake, 647

HOME. Decline of home-making instinct, 21 Home, H. P., 656 Horr, 531 HOUSEKEEPING. Defects of present, 192, 198;

Domestic Service, 879 bk HOUSING. Economics of improved housing, 151

ab; social effects of bad, 691 ; The Poor in

Great Cities, 136 bk

Howerth, I. W., 43-57 ar, 852-72 ar Huber, V. A., 482 Hughes, 647 Hugo, Victor, i Hume, 471, 585, 10 sup Huntington, George, 145 ab Hurd, H. B., 872 Hutton, 458

Huxley, T. H., 98, 134, 15 sup Hyde, W. D., 4 39, 44i HYPNOTISM. See Psychology Hyslop, J. H., 1-67 sup ar

IDEALS. Worth of human beings and, 203; wrongs and, 203; of literature and art, 203- 6; of education, 206; international association and, 208; dangers from new, 212-18; must be practical, 274; necessity of, 345; French Revo- lution and, 346 ; social, 549-66; limits of, 577

Ihering, 131, 609

lies, George, 149 ab

IMMIGRATION. Restriction of immigration, 150 ab

INDIVIDUALISM. The Coming Individualism, 465 bk; should have the benefit of the doubt,

INDUSTRY. Present industrial instability, 358; The man and the machine, 480 ab ; develop- ment of, 724 ; Evidences of health throughout the industrial -world, 886 ab

Ingalls, Ex- Senator, 13

Ingram, 655, 658, 659



INNER MISSION. The German Inner Mission, 58-73 ar; (see sub-heads of article for analysis) ; Official restatement of the aims of the German inner mission, 143 ab

INSURANCE. Sickness and old-age pensions a Ivorydale, 49-50; Latest results of workers' accident insurance in Austria, 479 ab; Tht ill and the old in rural mutual aid societies, 483 ab; An American System of Labor Pensions and Insurance, 501-14 ar; need of labor insurance, 501 ; must be suited to character of people, 501-5; account of system at Dolge- ville, 506-14; Mutual benefit societies in Belgium, 625 ab; Insurance against non-Em* ployment, 771-85 ar; mutual aid principle re- placed by, 771 ; previous experiments in non- 1 fment insurance, 772; comparison of Chi-

employr cago pi a

cago plan with these, 772-85 ; Railway relief departments, 885 ab; Insurance against non-employment in St. G alien, 887 ab

INTERNATIONALISM. Growth of, 208, 212

Islam, 578

James, William, 238, 549, 550 astrow, Henriette, 882 ab cans, J. S., 515 efferson, Thomas, 34 enks, 649

evons, Stanley, 646, 65 ohnson, E. R., 88f okai, 5

ones, J. H., 881 ab ones, Lloyd ; 644 UDICIARY. See Labor uvenal, 259

Kant, Immanuel, 90, 146, 240, 561, 564, 579, 585

Howard, John, 64 Howells, W. D.,


628, 8 sup, 47 sup Kautsky.Karl, 577, 578 Kelley, Florence, 358-68 ar

Kennan, George, 204