Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/271

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Ferri, Criminal Sociology (New York, Appleton, 1896).

Presents latest thought on criminology, tending to substitute pre- vention and reform for repression and punishment.

Henderson, Defectives, Dependents, and Delinquents. A guide to the whole subject.

Wines, Punishment and Reformation (New York, Crowell, 1895). History, theory, and practice of criminology ably presented.

It is not supposed that any club will be able to follow strictly the programme here presented, otherwise the sugges- tions in regard to special reports would be more specific. Many interesting topics, of course, could not be included. These may be taken up by expanding the course. Without including other topics, however, study may be extended. Almost every topic will bear indefinite expansion.

In conclusion, it should be said that this paper is not an attempt to popularize sociology, though the work proposed is an excellent preparation for the study of that subject. It is rather an effort to encourage good citizenship. Under present con- ditions machine politicians, as a rule, run municipal govern- ments. The recourse of intelligent citizenship is to acquire and to use superior knowledge of social conditions and the machin- ery of government. When this is realized the social conscious- ness will be enlarged, civic pride will be engendered, practicable social reforms will be proposed, and intelligent, concerted social action will be possible. In achieving the end desired general social study is indispensable. This study may best be carried on through clubs formed for the purpose of advancing social self-knowledge.