Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/439

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November— for September-October.



Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed \o a title indicates that it was taken rom a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical si^s following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X uncertain ; +, favorable ; — , unfavorable; +— , favorable, but with reservations ; — +, unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + — , very favorable, but with

reservations; +, very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices y«c/^4^ are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. New editions, translations ^ and new periodicals are bracketed.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.

[The yf^f-^j refer to the number of initial of author': Accidents, 3b jCsthctics, 20s Africa. lofsy Agriculture, aobm Anarchism, 20k Anglo-Saxons, i8d Death, 2 Animals, 6, 7ms Democracy, lom, Anthropology, i i+g, 14s

Arbitration, iss EastemQuest., los

Associations, 3, 12a Education, 6 Banking, 9 Encyclopxdias, 13W

Begging, 3 o Ethics, 7

Biography, 2, 6d, 10 Ethnology, t

afgrs, i4bkl, Europr, loas, T4m

iSJr. i8p Biology, 2 Bread Question 20s Buddhism, 15 Canals. 2ou Capital, I2W Charities, 3 Child Labor, i2h Child-study, 6 China. loc Churches, 15, 3a, icy

SUBJECT INDEX. the class ; each of the letters following the figures refers to s surname, or to entering word of title. T

Consumption, 9mt Greece, 13s Navies, 10m Sanitary Science, 16

Cooperation, gb, lal History, 10 Paternalism, i4g Sicily, loh

17b Hours of Labor, 12c Pedagogy, 6 Sociali^^m. 17, 12s

Cotton. 20b Hypnotism, 7 Penology, 5 Social Psychol., i8t

Credit, 9b India, gmn, lor Periodicals, New, 6, Social Question, 18

~ Indians, i 7, 11, 14k Sociology, 18, 7t,

Industry, lolm, I2W Philanthropy, i8w los, 20b

Infallibility. 15J Philosophy, 7, i8s Spain, lom

Inncre Mission, 3 Play, 6 Standard of Life, i8b

Insurance, 4c, 20b, Political Econ., to Statistics, 4ks

2og, 20SWZ Political Science, 14, Streets. 4

International Law, ti 4h, sp Superstition, 1

Italy, gf, i4d Poor Laws, 3, 3g Switzerland, 14), 19*

Japan, loh Population, 4k, Sg Syndicates, 2oe

Labor, 12 Price, i^m Taxation, 9

Labor Intell., i2d Profit Sharing, 20c Territories, 10

Law. Sghm, 14, 15s Prostitution, 8 Towns, 4

Legislation, 12b, Prussia, igp Trade, 10b, 13V, 20s

i2j, i4f Ir Psychology, 7, 6h Tramps, 30

Life, 2 Quarantine, it Transportation. 2ot

Liquor Quest., 2obj Railroads, 20, 2ol,2ou United States, lodfb Love, 7 Reformation, 15k lom, 12I, 14m,

Magic, I Religion, 15 »os

Marriage, 8d Renaissance, lob Value, 13m

Masturbation, 8r Representation, 14 War, 100, i4h

Minority, 14JI Representation, 14)! Wealth, 180

Money. 9 Roman Empire, I4r Women, 8v, 12a, i2d,

Monroe Doct., 14b Russia, gf, 13k 20J

Evolution, 2 Exchanges, 13m Factory. labr Family, 7, 8, 20s Finance, 9 Folklore, i France, i, 61, 8g,

i8fs Germany, 6p, ^cd,

ghw, 14k, 19,


Cities, 3ab Grain, 13m

Colonies, loel. 142 Great Britain, 6h, Com'rce, lob, i3v,20s locgrs, i4t, 20g


Allen, 15 Andrews, 10 Aubrey, 10 Baldwin. 7 Bismarck, 14 Blondel, 20 Busch, 14 Butler, 6 Carver, 9 Colquhoun, to Cosack, 14 Coutaret, 20 Dannenberg, 9 Davidson, 6 Demolins. 18 Deut. Arbeitsn., Diet, of Bible, 1; Dunning, 10 Edwards, 4 Edwards, 20 Eliot, 6, 18

Espinas,! Ferryman Fleiichmann Forbes. 10 Fouillee, 18 Goblot. 18 Gooch, 14 Groos. 7 Haberlandt, i Harris, 4, 6 Hartmann, 7 Hegel. 4 Herbart, 6 Hilty, 14 Holm, 10

Jackobs, 15

Jastrow, 15, 20 Jenks. 14 Kovalewsky, 13 Kuczynski, 4 Lafitte, 14

Langlois, 10 Levasseur, 12 Lilienfeld. 18 Lipps, 7 Lloyd, 12 Luthardt, 15 McCowachic, 14 Mackay. 3 Maclay, 10 Maitland, 14 Maltbie, 4 Miles. 14 Milts. 7 Mismer, 18 Mivart, 2 Mortitlet, i Miiller, 20 Naudet. 18 Oman. 10 Pantaleoni, 13 Perris, 18


Petersilic, 6 Prager. 9 Proal, 5

Ratzcnhofer, 18 Rawlinson, 15 Records, 4 Rein. 6 Rigolage, 18 Rouse, 6 Russell, 9 Scherer, 15 Schmole Schurtz, 9 Sombart, 17 Sorel, 10 Soulier. 18 Statham, 10 Steevens, 10 Stein, 18 Stem, 7 Stevens, 10

Story, 10 Stuckenberg, 18 Sutherland, 7 Tardc, 18 Thorpe, 10 Tiele, 15 Tolstoy, 30 Tout, 10 Tunnell, 20 Ulrich, 20 Vallance, 17 Wallace. 18 Walrus, 18 Webb, 12 Willcy, 12 Wines. 18 Willoughby, 20 WorterbucK, 13 Wundt, 7

Vounghusband, to Zacher, 20