Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/725

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March— for January-February.



Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. K star prefixed xo^uxXv. indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new atinounce- mem. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; + , favorable ; — , unfavorable; +— , favorable, but with reservations ; — + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + + . very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + — , very favorable, but with

reser\'ations ; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. prices quoted arc usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. Neiv editions, translations, and neuu periodicals are bracketed.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.


he class ; each of the U

initial of author's surname, or to entering word of title.'

[The figures refer to the number of the class; each of the letters following the figures refers to ' ' ' ' ;.T

Accidents, i2g Esthetics. 2omp Africa, ifk, logn Agnosticism, i5p Agricullure, izd,

soabf Amusements, y* Anthropology, i

Arbitration, Ind., 12 Consumption, Arbitration, Int., 11 Econ.. 13c

Art, isbst Cooperation, 12 r

Associations, 3s, 4s. Cotton Mfg., i2r

sioh, i2g, 140, Credit, 2oe

Civil War, 10 r Colbertism, iSh Colonies, i4deghk, Colonies, Amer. ,

loeg Commerce, i3g, 19]

2of Confession, igk

18c, 20ms Australia, is, log Banking, 9 Bequest, Right of,

20c Bible, isacdh Bimetallism, gm Biography, ycg,

locgk, i4ip,

i5ghs iSchps Biology. 2

Creeds, i5g Crete, i4f Criminology, 5 Criticism, Higher,


Currency. 9, 13a

Cuba, I ok Customs, rd Democracy, i4dh Dictionaries, 15c

Diet, i6w

Bread Question, 13W Dogma, ishi Building Assoc., aog Domestic Science, 16

Canada, loce Census. 13a Charities, 3 Chartists, 14s Child Saving, 3e Child Study. 6fz China. low, 14k Church, Cath., lok,

isckm Church, Christian,

^ isgipt . ^ Church, English,

I5chk Church. Russian.

Churches. 15 Cities, 3fw. 4, locm,

i2r, 19s Civilization, if, lok

Double Standard, 8s Drink. i6e Education, 51,6, i8Ip Eg>'pt, loa, 20a Encvclopedias, T4h Ethics, 7, 15W Ethnology, i Europe, log, igt Evolution, 2 Exchanges, Grain,

20b Expansion, logj, i4f Family, 8 Finance, 9 France, lochjlwz,

14ms, 2of French Revolution

lods, 17I

Games, ig Germany, lobwr,

13s, i4dwr, 20b Great Britain, 6h,

IOC, I4d

, Hawaii. 10c History, 9 History. Econ., i8p History Method,

too History. Soc, 4b,

lodgkmw Holy Roman Em- pire, lof House. Dwelling.

loa, i6p Housing, 12b, 20I Idealism, i8f Imperialism, i4af Information, Labor,

12a Inheritance, 14b Innere Mission, 3 Inquisition, los InsaLity, yr Instinct, 7h Insurance, i2g,

2omv International Law,

II Interstate Com.,2ou Italy, log, 14m Japan, 14J Jews, 15c Labor, 12, 15s Law, Common,

I4bl Law, Compar.,i4m Law, Constitut., i4e Laws, Both, 14s Leadership, lok Legislation, los,


Life, End of, 18I Rhode Island, lob Liquor Question, Rome, 10 dgm

2oabcu Russia, 5k, 9I, lof

Machinery. 12s Sanitary Sci., 6r, 16

Man, Origin of, 1 Sayings of Jesus, 15 Manual Training, 6t Science 2 Medical Charities, 3s Settlements, shw Merchant Marine, Sex, 8 15

lojl. 20c Missionaries, isg Money. 9 Mythology, ic Nature Study, 6t Netherlands, lob

Shipping, lojl Sickness. Labor, i2s Slavery, los Socialism, 17 Sociology, 18 Social Psychol.. 17I

Nineteenth Century, Social Question i8z 150, i8Imr

Old Age Pen., 2op Spain, loh

Penology, 5 Spanish-Amer. War,

Periodicals, New. „ ;°^ ^^"

j2a Statistics, ga, 19

Philippines, lohkw Stock Exchanges.

Philosophy, 7

Political Econ., 13

Polygamy, 8

Popes, logp

Positivism, 7g

Prices, gbh

Prisons. 5h

Profit Sharing, izv

Prostitution, 6f, 8

Psychology. 7, i8d Telephone, 20W

9s, 13s Strikes, i2bg Suffrage, 14s Sugar, 20s Suggestion, i8b Summer Charities, 3 Supreme Court, i4g Switzerland, lod, 20b Taxation, 9

Quakers, 15]

Railroads, 2oabsv

Reason, 7h

Recidivists, 5I

Referendum, i4d

Reforms. 18b

Religion, yhs, 15

Renaissance, lov

Representation, 14I „.

Revolmion.Am ■olWages._,^,c

Revolution, 1848, loh

Trade, 2obs Tramps, 3 Trust, 20 r Underground R. R.,


United Slates, 10, Vacant Lot Cult.,


West Indies, lok Women, ic, 8