Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/587

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Campredon, Eugene. Role economique et S3cial dcs voies de communication. P., libr. Ve Dunod. 515 pp. i6mo.

Clemcnceau, Georges. L'iniquite. P., libr. Stock. 506 pp. i8mo.

Clemcnceau, Georges. Vers la reparation. P., libr. Stock. 563 pp. i8mo.

Curzon, E. de. Frederic Le Play: sa meihode, sa doctrine, son osuvre, son esprit, d'apres ses Merits et sa correspondance. P., libr. Oudin. 335 PP- iSmo. f. 3.

Dcmoor, Jean, Massart, Jean, & Vander\'elde, Emile. Evolution by atrophy in biology & sociology, tr. by Mrs. Chalmers Mitchell. N. Y., D. Appleion &Co. 322 pp. ismo. (In- temat, scientific ser., no. 79). $1.50.

Conner, E. C. K. Social philosophy of Rodbertus. L.. MacmillanCo. 234 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Grassi, Vine. II progress©. Girgenti, stamp. Montes. 84 pp. i6mo. L. 2.

Hall, Bolton. Things as they are, with an intro- duction by G. D. Herron. Bo., Small, Maynard & Co. 287 pp. i6mo. $1.25.

Hardwicke, \\'. W, Evolution of man : his religi- ous systems & social customs. L., Watts & Co. 316 pp. 8vo. 5s.

Norden. U. Sociale Bedeutung des Boden-Ei- genthums. Lp., O. W'igand. 46 pp. 8vo. M. I.

Panizza. Mario. Le tre leggi: saggio di psico- fisiologia sociale. Roma, Eruvanno Loescher & C. 223 pp. i6mo. L. 4.

Schultze, Ernst. Volksbildung u. Volkwohlstand. Eine Untersuch. ihrer Beziehgn, Siettin. H. Danoenberg & Co. 84 pp. 8vo. M. 1.60.

Staats- u. social wissenschaftliche Forschungen, hrsg. V. Gust. Schmoller. 77. Bd. 2. Hft. (der ganzen Reihe 74, Hft.). 8vo. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 2. Eberstadt, Rud. Das iranzos. Gewerberecht u. die Schaftung staatslicher Gesetzgebung u. Verwaltung in Frankreich. 13. Jahrh. bis 1581. 459 pp. 8vo. M. 11.80.

Stein, Ludw. An der Wende des Jahrhunderts. Versuch e. Kulturphilosophie. Fr., J. C. B. Mohr. 415 pp. 8vo. M. 9.

Tarde. G. Les transformations du pouvoir. P., F. Alcan. 268 pp. 8vo. f. 6.

Tarde, Gabriel. Social laws: an outline of soci- ology, from the French by H. C. ^Varren. . . . N. Y.,Macmillan Co. 213 pp. i6mo. $r.25.

Torre, Fr. della. Le teoria dell' evoluzione c I'incivilimento sociale. Cividale, Giovanni Fulvia. 62 pp. Svo. L. i.

Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Schriften. Lp., Dun- cker & Humblot. 79.,8i., 83.-87. Bd. M.6.80, 8, 5, 11.60, 15.60, 12.40, 7.

Zenker. E.V. Die Gesellschaft. i. Bd. Natur- liche Entwicklungsgeschichteder Gesellschaft. B.,G. Rcimer. 232 pp. 8vo.

19. Statistics.

Breslau— Statist. Amt. Breslauer Statistik. 12. Bd. 2. Hft. Breslau, E. Morgenstern. 300 pp. Svo. M. 8.

Davenport. C. B. Statistical methods with special reference to biological variation: intended especially for botanists, zoologists, anthropolo- gists, anatomists, physiologists. & psycholo- gists. . . . N. v., John Wiley & Sans. 148 pp. i6mo. $1.25.

Italy — Direzione gcnerale della statistica. Notizie complementari alle statist iche giudiziarie penali anni 1890-95. Rom.i, tip. Nazionale di G. Bertero. 381 pp. Svo. L. 4.

Prussia — Konigl. statist. Burtau. Preussische

Statisiik. B., V'erl. des k. statist. Bureaus.

158. u. 159. Hft. 4to. M. 5.20 u. 7.20. Smith, R. Mayo. Science of statistics, Pt. 2.

Statistics & economics. N. Y., Macmillan Co.

467 pp. 8vo. $3. Statistisches Jahrbuch f. das Grossherzogth. Baden.

30. Jahrg. 1899. Karlsruhe, Macklot. 546 pp.

" ■- M. 16.


20. Unclassified.

[Baker, C. ^V. Monopolies & the people. Ed. 3, rev. & cnl. N. V., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 368 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Questions of the day sen, no. 56.)]

Barrett, E.R. Truth about intoxicating drinks; or. scientific, social, & religious aspects of total abstinence. L., Ideal Pub. Union. 264 pp. Svo. 2s, 6d.

Blavatsky. H. P. Die Geheimlehre. 7. Lfe. Lp., \V. Friedrich. M. 3.

Catellani, E. Realta ed utopie della pace. Torino, Roux, Frassati & C. 131 pp. Svo. L. 1.50.

Chapman, S.J, History of trade bet^veen the United Kingdom & the United Stales, with special reference to the effect of tariffs. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 136 pp. Svo. 2s.

[Freund, Rich. Wegweiser durch das Invaliden- versicherungsgesetz. 13. Aufl. B., J. J. Heine. 32 pp. lamo. M. 0.50.]

Grave, Jean. Anarchie, son but, ses moyens. P., libr. Stock. 336 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50. (Bibliotheque sociologique, no. 27, j

Hebartson, A. J. Commercial geography of the British Isles. L., W. &. R. Chambers. 140 pp. Svo. IS.

Imbart de Latour, Joseph. Des biens commu- naux. P., libr. Pedone. 142 pp. 8vo.

Madden, John. Shall we drink wine ? A physi- cian's study of the alcohol question. Milwau- kee, Wis., Owen & Weihbrecht Co. 220 pp. i2mo. $2.

Mill, H. R. International geography, by 70 au- thors. L., George Newnes. mo pp. 488 ill. Svo. 15s.

Mohr, Paul. Entwicklung des Grossbeiriebes in der Getreidemiillerei Deutschlands. B., Sie- menroth & Troschel. 240 pp. Svo. M. 6.50.

Miiller.'Rob. Grundziige der landwirthschaftlichen Tierproduktionslehie. B., P. Parey. 439 pp. Svo. M. 6.

Randall, E.G. History of the Zoar Society .... a sociological study in communism. Colum- bus, O., A. H. Smyth. loopp- Svo. $1.25.

Root, J W. Tariff and trade. L., Slmpkin, Mar- shall & Co. 468 pp. Svo. los. 6d.

Seuffert,H. Anarchismus. u. Sirafrecht. B.,0. Liebmann. M. 4.50.

Symposium: searchlights on Christian science. N. Y. & C, F, H. Revell. 126 pp. lamo. $1.50.

Wallace, Henry. Trusts & how to deal with them. Des Moines, la., Wallace Pub. Co. 165 pp. zomo. $0.35. (Wallace's farm libr., V. 1, no. 2.)

White, .Arnold. ITie modern Jew, N. Y., F, A. Stokes Co. i2mo. $2.

Zacher, Dr. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. 9. Hft. Svo. li., Verlag der Arbei- ter-Versorg. 9. Seeler, N. v. Arbeiier-Vcrsi- cherung in Kussland. M. 0.90,

Zooptl, Gfr. Wettbewerb des nissischen u. ameri- kanischen Pttroliums. Fine weltwirthschaftl. Studie. H.. Siemenroth & Troschel. 158 pp. Svo. .M.4.