Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/156

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Descamps. Conference Internationale de la paix : rapport sur le reglement pacifique des conflits internationaux, RD1., 32:2.

Vickery, J. H. International law & the peace conference, PSM., My.

Sec Democracy. Penology: see Criminology.

Philippines: Becker, G. F. Are the Philippines worth having? Scribner's magazine, Je.

Belford, S. W. Chinese exclusion from the Phi- lippines, A., My.

Denby, C. Do we owe independence to the Fili- pinos? F., Je.

Dwight, H. O. Uncle Sam's legacy of slaves, F., My.

Mitchell, J. R. Legal effect of the acquisition of

the Philippines. ALR., Ap.

Philosophy: Hall, G. S. College philosophy, F., Je.

Tarde, G. Legon d'ouverture d'un cours de phi- losophic, R1S., Mr.

Tarde, G. Legon d'ouverture d'un cours de phi- losophic moderne au College de France, A AC., My.

Tocco, F. Storia delta filosofia moderna in Italia da! 1893 al 1898, Archiv f. Gesch. der Philos.,

13: 433- Plague: Bubonic plague, S., My.

Present epidemic of bubonic plague, RRN., My. Political Economy: Conant, C. A. Recent

economic tendencies, Atlantic, Je, Hull, C. H. Petty's place in the history of

economic theory, QJE., My. Luxemburg, Rosa. Zuriick auf Adam Smith,

Puerto Ricans & the

See History, Sociology. Political Science : Fournier, M. Notre ceuvre

de cinq annees (1894-99) [review of the work

of Revue Politiquc et Parlementaire\,

RPP., Ap. Seydel, M. v. Vortrage aus dem allgemeinen

Staatsrechte, Annalen des Deutschen Reich

1900: 5.

Poor: see Charities. Poor Laws: see Charity. Porto Rico: Smith, G, H.

constitution, A., Je.

President: Bryan, W. J. Issues in the presi- dential campaign, NAR., Je. Cleveland, G. Independence of the executive, I.,

Atlantic, Je. Low, M. How a president is elected, Scribner's

monthly, Je. Thurston, J. M. How presidents are nominated,

Cosmopolitan, Je.

West, H. L. Approaching campaign, F., My. Press : Brown, H. B. Liberty of the press, ALRv.,

Je. Prices : Conrad; J. Entwickelung des Preis-

niveaus in den letzten Dezennien u. der

deutsche Getreidebedarf in den letzten Jahren,

JNS., 19:3. Denis, H. Index numbers au i6e siecle en

Flandre, AJS.. Ap. Prisons: see Criminology. Production : Solvay, E. Libre socialisation des

moyens de production, AIS., Ap. Vandcrvelde, E. M. Solvay et la socialisation

des moyens de production, AIS., Ap. Professions : Henderson, C. H. Experimental

life, Atlantic, My. Vauthier [and others]. Heredite et la continu-

ite des professions, RIS., Mr. Property : Touzard, D. Sur les origines de la

petite propriete. La paroisse de Montboyer

depuis le 14^ siecle, RefS., My. Prosperity : New prosperity, McCIure's maga- zine, My. Prostitution : Aschaffenburg, G. Kampf gegen

die Unsittlichkeit u. die lex Heinze, ZS., Ap.

Psychology: Dewey, J. Psychology & social

practice, PsR., Mr. Fornelli, N. Studio di psicologia scolastica,

Rivista filosofica, F. Fouille, A. Travail mental et la collectinisme

materialiste, RDM., My. i. Gerard -Varet, L. Psychologic objective, RPh.,

My. Ribot, Th. Nature of the creative imagination,

International monthly, Je. See Christianity, Sociology. Railroads : Mikhailoff, M. Great Siberian

railway, NAR., My.

Newcomb, H. T. Railway progress & agricul- tural development, YR., q: 33. Parsons, W. B. Railway opportunities in the

orient, EM., May. Some problems of railway management, Black -

wood's magazine, My. Reform : Roosevelt, T. Latitude & longitude

among reformers, Century, Je. Reformation: Bonet-Maury, G. John a Lasko & the Reformation in Poland, 1499-1560, AJT., Ap.

Religion : Buckley, E. Early religion & mo- rality, International monthly, Je. Hassermann, H. Was ist religion, DR., My. Reville, A. Essai de philosophic de 1'histoire religieuse, Revue d'histoire des religions, Ap.

See Christianity, Churches.

Representation : Commons, J. R. Propor- tional representation in Belgium, RRN, My. Russia : British & Russian diplomacy, NA'R.,


Primbault, H. A travers la Russie, RefS., Je. See Japan.

Science : Crowe, A. B. Science study & na- tional character, PSM., My. Newcomb, S. Science & the government,

NAR., My.

Scotland : Rait, R. S. c cottish parliament be- fore the union of the crowns, EHR., Ap. Sewage : Garstang, Dr. Recently improved

methods of sewage disposal, S., Je. Shakers: Sanborn, F. B. Original Shaker communities in New England, New. Eng. mag., My. Shipping : Fawcett, W. Increasing demand for

light draught steamers, EM., My. Watson & Runke. Should our marine be subsi- dized, A., Je.

Slavery: See Labor (Prentice.) Socialism : Berdiajew, N. F. A. Lange u. die kritische Philosophic in ihren Beziehungen zum Sozialismus. NZ., 33.

Bernstein, E. Meine Stellung zur Resolution Bebels. Eine Abwehr wider K. Kautsky, NZ., 18: 31.

Jaures, J. Art et socialisme, ReS., My. Kant u. der Sozialismus, NZ., 18: 28. Maillet, G. Parti socialiste et le ministere fran-

gais, HN., My.

Marins, R. de. Revolution frangaise et le so- cialisme, AC., Ap. Maitineau, E. Principes de la revolution de

178901 le socialisme, JEc., Ap. Milhaud, E. Parti socialiste aux elections alle-

mandesde 1898, ReS, My. Pareto, V. Peril socialiste, JEc., My. Pascal, G. de. Crise actuelle du socialisme,

AC., My.

Revision des doctrines marxistes, ReS., Ap. Sociology: Biermer, M. Generalversammlung

des vereins fur Sozialpolitik 1899, JNS.,

S. Bougie, C. Sociologie biologique et le regime

des castes, RPh., Ap.

Boutraux, E., & others. Philosophic de Tol- stoi. RIS., Mr.