Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/860

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Children born in summer are taller than those born in winter (Combe).

Boys of small frames often have large heads and are defi- cient in repose of character, and when the chest is contracted and mental action slow, this mental condition is due probably to lack of supply of purified blood (Liharzik).

Delicate, slender people are much more subject to typhoid fever than to consumption (Hilderbrand).

Some defective children are over-normal, that is, they are taller and heavier than other children (Hasse).

Growth degenerates as we go lower in the social scale (British Association for Advancement of Science).

Dull children are lighter and precocious children heavier than the average child (Porter).

As circumference of head increases, mental ability increases ; it being understood that race and sex are the same (Mac- Donald).

Urban life decreases stature from five years of age on (Peck- ham).

Truant boys are inferior in weight, height, and chest-girth to boys in general (Kline).

City children are more vivacious, but have less power of endurance, than country children (Liharzik).

Among United States naval cadets there is a great preponder- ance of blonds (Beyer).

The insane show an excess of 5 per cent, of light eyes with dark hair and criminals of 10 per cent, of dark eyes with dark hair over the general population (Roberts).

In Germany 40 per cent, of the children of the well-to-do classes are blonds and less than 10 per cent, brunettes (Virchow).

The endurance (ergographic work) of boys is greater than that of girls at all ages (Christopher).

In reaction time the ear-lip coordination is the fastest (Angell and Moore).