Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 8.djvu/869

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suspicion, perhaps for many months. Your least mistake will be greeted with yells of derision. The boys will take what you give them, and stand aloof, with watchful, doubtful eyes. There will seem to be a diabolical conspiracy among them to make all the trouble they possibly can, and the demon of destruction will be let loose. Never mind ! This is the test they put you to. If they break the lock on the front door, say nothing ; buy another one. If the padlock, which is your next resort, .'s smashed with a stone, rebuke the dealer who sold it to you, if you choose, but not the boy who broke it, even if you can find him which you cannot. If a bedlam of disorderly conduct breaks out suddenly and unaccountably some evening, do not expostulate or accuse. It is probably a concerted thing, as deliberately planned as a general would plan a battle. Simply put out the lights, lock the door, and go away, regardless of any amount of expostulation from disappointed and protesting boys. Leave the place dark for a while, and let them speculate on the chances of your ever coming back again. Remember you have no authority; to assume any will be instantly fatal. Remember, too, that these children have been knocked about, wronged, robbed, imposed upon, driven hither and thither by policemen, till all the sweet likeness of childhood has been beaten out of them. Yet they are still children. The childish heart has been cruelly maimed and scarred ; it is thick crusted over with that armor of deceit and indifference which is the only protection of the weak ; but it is still there. You must find it ; and there is but one road to the heart of man.

After a while there will come a blessed lull in hostilities. The tide will turn; they will begin to watch for you, and come running to meet you. Some accident will disclose a passion of gratitude and affection in some little breast, and when it breaks out it will be contagious. Then your heart will swell with happiness. But do not expect too much ; there will be no wing- growing yet. The poison of evil, working so long, so persist- ently, cannot be eradicated in a few months or even years. You may, however, permit yourself a long breath at this point, and you may assure yourself that the worst is over.