Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 9.djvu/178

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Results are given in order and carry with them their own conclusions.


Tabulating general results we have the following :

No demand for union-label goods - - 3

Some demand - 2

One of the above stores, a very large one carried a strictly non-union stock. All of these stores had a substantial patronage among union people. This was apparently due to price and quality of goods, irrespective of labels. The label was on the cheaper class of goods only, and yet on these goods it made the prices a little higher. The proprietor of the large store with the non-union stock expressed his opinion in these words :

I have no demand whatever for label goods. A department store must stand for bargains. We cannot afford to pay union prices for goods. We have a big union trade on our non-union stock, because we buy cheap and sell cheap.


Of the twenty-seven stores visited, one handled only non- union goods ; one only union-label goods as far as these were obtainable. The non-union establishment was perhaps the largest men's clothing store in the city. The union store, on the other hand, was a small shop, located in the factory district, but among the best stores of that section. Its proprietor was a man of strong and forceful personality. He employed one clerk and one tailor.

"I have," he said, "been in business here three years. About half my trade is union, half non-union. My stock is all union- made where possible, but I cannot get union-label underwear, hosiery and neckwear. Across the street there is a union man now, going into a cheap, shoddy store, where he can buy a few cents cheaper. So it is with union men. They rant and bellow, and then sneak around to some scab shop to find sweat-shop clothes made by little children. They want to receive union wages, but don't want to pay union prices. I am building up my .business and will enlarge my store soon. I depend upon handling a good line of clothing and keeping my good customers.