Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/1112

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STAPLES 1090 STEARNS surgery that Dr. Stamm was well known. He was actively engaged in all public mat- ters pertaining to the welfare of his com- munity, possessing advanced ideas regarding educational and municipal affairs. "Dr. Stamm worthily filled some important public positions. He was elected to the Fremont Board of Education three terms; to the office of the Board of Public Service where his influence was great, especially on the larger matters affecting the public safety, health and general welfare. At the urgent solicita- tion of leading citizens of all political par- ties, he became a candidate for, and was elected to, the office of delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention in 1912." Dr. Stamm died May 22, 1918, in Fremont, Ohio, and was survived by one daughter, Mrs. George W. Hayes of Fremont, and one son, J. Hans Stamm of Detroit, Michigan, his wife having died several years before. J. H. Jacobson. Trans, of the Amer. Assoc, of Obstet. and Gvne- col., 1918, vol. xxxi, pp. 354-358. Portrait. Staples, Franklin (1833-1904) Franklin Staples was one of the best known and most generally respected physicians in Minnesota, and through his writings, especially upon subjects relating to the history of medi- cine, his name was known throughout the country. Born in Raymond (now Casco), Cumber- land County. Maine, November 9, 1833, he began to study medicine under Dr. C. S. D. Fessenden, of Portland, Maine, in 18SS, and attended lectures at Bowdoin College in 1856. He was head instructor of the old Center Grammar School, Portland, Maine, for some four years, but upon his retirement entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and graduated in March, 1862, subse- quently being appointed demonstrator of anat- omy in the medical department of Bowdoin College. In the suminer of 1862 he established him- self as a general practitioner in Winona and married, June 4, 1863, Helen H. Harford, of Portland. Dr. Staples was one of the founders of the Winona Preparatory Medical School. In 1871 he was elected president of the Minnesota State Medical Society. From 1883 to 1887 he held the chair of the practice of medicine in the medical department of the University of Minnesota. His writings on medical and surgical sub- jects have from time to time been published in scientific and professional journals, and from their marked ability, attracted the at- tention of the medical profession. Among the first of his writings in this line was his re- port on "The Influence of Climate on Pul- monary Diseases in Minnesota" ; "A Report on "Diphtheria," "The Treatment, of Frac- ture of the Femur," besides many other ar- ticles pertaining to medicine and surgery, and particularly to the history of medicine. BuRNSiDE Foster. Staughton, James Martin (1800-1833) Born in Bordentown, New Jersey, in 1800, he was the son of the Rev. William Staugh- ton, a most distinguished Baptist divine, of Coventry, England, who came to .America in 1793, and of Maria Hanton Staughton. He received his education in Philadelphia and while still a boy gave lectures on chemistry in the Female Seminary in Bordentown, a school kept by his father. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Medical De- partment, in 1821, and after graduation prac- tised for a short time in Philadelphia, but moved to Washington, District of Columbia, where his father was placed at the head of an institution in that city. Staughton was soon appointed professor of chemistry in Columbia College and when the medical de- partment was added was made professor of surgery. In preparing for this position he spent two years in Europe. In the spring of 1831 an attempt was made to establish in Cincinnati a medical department of Miami University, and Dr. Staughton was elected professor of surgery. Before the beginning of the first session, this school was united with the Medical College of Ohio, and Staughton held the same chair. In 1832 Cin- cinnati was visited by the cholera and he was stricken with the disease when it re- appeared in 1833. He married in 1828. Mrs. Louisa Patrick of England and had five chil- dren. A. G. Drury. Stearns, Henry Putman (182S-190S) Born in Sutton, Massachusetts, .pril 18. 1828, of a family prominent in the history of Massa- chusetts since 1630. his prep.Tratory studies were at Yale College which he entered in 1849. and from which he received the degree of A. B. in 1853. He received his medical edui- cation at Yale and Harvard and was made an M. D. at the former in 1855. He went for post-graduate study in the same year to Edin- burgh and became an interne in the Royal Infirmary, later studying in Paris and re- turning to America in 1857. He settled at