Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/905

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PARKER 883 PARKER Provincial and City Hospital, and, later, the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax. As a pub- lic-spirited citizen, he was identified with and a co-worker in most of the educational and philanthropic work of the city. Upon his return to Nova Scotia after gradu- ation, he settled down to practice in Halifax, where he soon had a good reputation. In 1891 he gave up practice in Halifax, in order that he might acquaint himself at first hand with the new Listerian surgery, then in its earlier development and in full use at Edin- burgh. The next two years were devoted to study and research at Edinburgh and Paris. Upon his return to Halifax in 1873, he limited his practice to that of a consultant in medicine and surgery, and in this he was highly suc- cessful. In 189S, after half a century of suc- cessful work, he retired. Dr. Parker traveled considerably on both sides of the Atlantic and thus happened to be in position to witness several notable events, such as Dr. Chalmers leading out the Free Church Ministers in 1843, the bombardment of Fort Sumter in 1861, and the terrors of the Commune in Paris in 1871. Though always very busy, Dr. Parker found time to deliver many addresses on professional subjects and to write some special papers. "Three Cases of Ruptured Perineum and Sphincter Ani Cured by Operation" {Edin- burgh Medical Journal, 1857, p. 448) ; "Fatal Cases Resulting from the Habit of Arsenic Eating" {Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1864, p. 116) ; "Notes of Some Unusual Cases of Disease Involving Primarily the Skin Cover- ing the Mammary Gland" {Maritime Medical News, Halifax, vol. i. p. 131 ) may be men- tioned. Dr. Parker was married twice, first to Eliza- beth Ritchie, daughter of the Hon. J. W. John- ston, attorney-general, their only child, James J. Parker, dying in Edinburgh while a medical student, and his second wife was Fanny Holmes, daughter of the Hon. W. A. Black of Halifax. He was survived by a widow, three daughters and one son. DON.XLD A. CAMPBELL. Parker, Edward Hazen (1823-1896) Dr. Edward Hazen Parker was born in the City of Boston, the son of Hon. Isaac and Sarah Ainsworth Parker. Dr. Parker graduated from Dartmouth College in 1846, and received his medical degree from Jeffer- son Medical College in 1848. After graduation, he was at once appointed lecturer on anatomy and physiology at Bowdoin Medical College, Maine, and there he undertook also the editor- ship of the Neii' Hampshire Medical Journal. which he conducted successfully for nine years. In 1853, on being called to the chair of physiology and pathology in the New York Medical College, Dr. Parker left Concord and established himself in practice in New York City, his confreres in the college being Peaslee and Barker (q. v.). During the three years that Dr. Parker held this professorship he es- tablished the Medical Monthly (1854), which he continued to edit personally for many years with great ability and success, and was co-editor of The Journal of Medicine, Con- cord, in 1850. In 1854 he received the degree of A. M. from Trinity College, and in 1858, by the solicita- tion of many friends and patients, was induced to remove to Poughkeepsie, New York, where he practised nearly up to the time of his death, a period of some forty years. Dr. Parker was a physician and a surgeon of signal competency and skill. He was a man of extremely fine fiber, of unusual cultivation, and of high scholarly attainments. The fol- lowing brief poem was written by him years ago. It has been copied and translated into several languages, including Greek and Latin, and the first verse was inscribed on President Garfield's tomb. Life's race well run. Life's work all done. Life's victory won; Now cometh rest. Sorrows are o'er. Trials no more. Ship reaches shore; Now Cometh rest. Faith yields to sight, Day follows night, Jesus gives light; Now Cometh rest. We a while wait. But, soon or late. Death opes the gate; Then cometh rest. Dr. Parker lived in Poughkeepsie, New York, for nearly forty years. He was elected president of the Medical Society of the Staie of New York in 1862; and held a commission in the corps of volunteer surgeons provided by the state under Governors Morgan and Seymour; and was also one of the medical board of Vassar Hospital. He died on No- vember 9, 1896. at Poughkeepsie, New York. J.MES E. S.ADLIER. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896. vol. i. Parker, Willard (18(X)-1884) Willard Parker, prominent New York sur- geon and teacher, was born at North Lvnde-