Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/144

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Plate 7

Sea-whip Snails

a. Common West Indian Simnia, Neosimnia acicularis Lam., 12 inch. Yellow phase on Yellow Sea-whip, Leptogorgia virgulata Lam., and lavender phase on Purple Sea-whip, Leptogorgia hebes Verrill (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 182.
b. and c. Californian Pedicularia, Pedicularia californica Newcomb, 12 inch. Attached to the hydrocoralline, Allopora californica Verrill. c is the heavy form, ovuliformis Berry (Southern California) p. 182.
d. Decussate Pedicularia, Pedicularia decussata Gould, 12 inch (Georgia to the West Indies), p. 181.
e. Single-Toothed Simnia, Neosimnia uniplicata Sby., 12 inch (Virginia to the West Indies), p. 182.
f. Dale’s Treasured Simnia, Neosimnia piragua Dall, 1 inch. Holotype (West Indies), p. 182
g. Western Chubby Simnia, Neosimnia avena Sby., 12 inch (Monterey, California, to Panama), p. 183.
h. Inflexed Simnia, Neosimnia inflexa Sby., 12 inch (Monterey, California, to Panama), p. 183.
i. Loebbeck’s Simnia, Neosimnia loebbeckeana Weink., 34 inch (Monterey, California, to Gulf of California, form barbarensis Dall), p. 183.
j. Panama Cyphoma, Cyphoma emarginata Sby., (4 specimens), 1 inch (Lower California to Panaina), not in text.