Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/160

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Plate 15

New England Nudibranchs

a. Red-fingered Eolis, Coryphella rufibranchialis Johnston, 1 inch (Arctic to New York), p. 310.
b. Pilose Doris, Acanthodoris pilosa Abild., 1 inch (Arctic to Connecticut; Alaska), p. 305.
c. Dwarf Balloon Eolis, Eubranchus exiguus A. and H., 15 inch (Arctic to Massachusetts), p. 309.
d. Johnston’s Balloon Eolis, Tergipes despectus Johnston, 13 inch (Arctic to New York), p. 309.
e. Frond Eolis, Dendronotus frondosus Ascanius, 2 inches (Arctic to Rhode Island; to Washington), p. 307.
f. Atlantic Ancula, Ancula cristata Alder, 12 inch (Arctic to Massachusetts), p. 306.
g. Papillose Eolis, Aeolis papulosa L., 2 inches (Arctic to Rhode Island; to California), p. 308.
h. Paynted Balloon Eolis, Eubranchus pallidus A. and H., 12 inch (Arctic to Boston), p. 310.
i. Yellow False Doris, Adalaria proxima A. and H., 12 inch (Arctic to Maine), p. 306.
j. Orange-tipped Eolis, Catriona aurantia A. and H., 12 inch (Arctic to Connecticut), p. 308.