Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/237

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Subgenus Glossaulax Pilsbry 1929

Polinices reclusianus Deshayes Recluz's Moon-shell Plate 2oi

Crescent City, California, to Lower California.

1V2 to 1V2 inches in length, very heavy for its size. Spire moderately to quite vi^ell elevated. Exterior semi-glossy, grayish with rusty-brown or green- ish stains. Characterized by a large, tongue-like callus, brownish or white in color, which may or may not cover the entire umbilicus. There is a strong white, reinforcing callus at the top of the inside of the aperture. Operculum translucent, reddish brown. The shape of shell and degree of development of the umbilical callus is variable, and has received various names — alms Arnold and imperforatus Dall. A common shallow water species also found as deep as 25 fathoms.

Polmices draconis Dall Drake's Moon-shell Figure 43a

Alaska to Lower California.

2 to 2 % inches in length, very similar to Lunatia leivisi, but with a wider more elongate umbilicus, and with a very small, almost obsolete callus above the umbilicus. Uncommon in waters from i o to 2 5 fathoms.

Genus Sigatica Meyer and Aldrich 1886

Sigatica carolinensis Dall Carolina Moon-shell Plate 22I

North Carolina to southeast Florida and the West Indies.

^/4 inch in length, white, glossy, ovate, fairly thin-shelled; umbilicus deep, round, without a callus. Characterized by 2 smooth nuclear whorls, followed by 3 whorls which are finely grooved by about 20 spiral lines. Suture well-channeled. Operculum paucispiral, corneous, its early whorls thickened and raised somewhat. S. holograpta McGinty is so similar that it may well be this species. Dredged 20 to 95 fathoms; not uncommon.

5. se?nisulcata Gray from West Florida and the West Indies reaches 34 inch in size, has 5 to 6 spiral Hnes cut into the top third of the whorl, and a few within the umbilicus. Often confused with Polinices lacteus. Rare.

Genus Amauropsis Morch 1857

Amaiiropsis islandica Gmelin Iceland Moon-shell Plate 2 2r

Arctic Seas to off Virginia.

I to 1^/2 inches in length, % as wide, rather thin, but strong. Suture