Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/245

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enamel-white. Enamel, single tooth on parietal wall near the top of the aper- ture. Operculum chitinous, thick, brown. A common offshore species in its northern range.

Genus Cymatium Roding 1798 Subgenus Cymatiufn s. str.

Cymatium femorale Linne Angular Triton Plate 5d

Southeast Florida and the West Indies.

3 to 7 inches in length, with 2 or 3 former varices; outer lip flaring, thickened into a noduled varLx which is drawn up to a point posteriorly. Columella with i small fold and above it sometimes several much smaller ones. Color varies from brownish to reddish orange. Not uncommon in the West Indies in shallow water among eel-grass.

Subgenus La?npusia Schumacher 1817

Cymatium martinianum Orbigny Atlantic Hairy Triton Plate 9I

North Carolina to southeast Florida and the West Indies.

1% to 3 inches in length; old varices strong, beaded, and spaced % of a whorl apart. Spiral sculpture of a dozen or so squarish, irregularly sized, weakly beaded cords. Aperture orange-brown with the parietal area dark- brown between the white teeth. Periostracum very thick, matted, light- brown. The embryonic shell is about 4 mm. in length, glossy-brown, with a flaring lip which has a small stromboid notch. Dissentoma prima Pilsbry 1 945 is this species. C. velei Calkins is also a synonym. C. aquatile Reeve and C. pileare Linne are names applied to Indo-Pacific forms, and not this species. Common in shallow water.

Do not confuse with C. chlorostomum which has just inside its outer lip a series of single, rather large, whitish teeth, instead of smaller, paired, yellowish brown teeth.

Cymatium gracile Reeve Dwarf Hairy Triton Plate 2511

North Carolina to Key West and the West Indies.

I inch in length, with only one or no former varix. Whorls squarish at the shoulder where there are 2 spiral rows of prominent beads. The last whorl has only i row of about 6 to 8 rather large tubercles in addition to spiral and axial threads. Siphonal canal moderately long, slender. Color whitish with i or 2 orange-brown bars on the varix. Periostracum rather thick, gray-brown. Uncommon below low-water line.