Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/248

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American Seashells

Subgenus Tutufa Jousseaume 1881 Bursa tenuisculpta Dautz. and Fischer Fine-sculptured Frog-shell Southeast Florida and the West Indies. 2 to 3 inches in length; with 5 to 7 spiral rows of numerous, evenly sized beads. Old varices spaced % of a whorl apart so that the varices do not line up under each other. Color dull ash-gray. Dredged on rare oc- casions. Subgenus Colubrellina Fischer 1884 Bursa corrugata Perry Gaudy Frog-shell Plate 9k Southeast Florida and the Caribbean. Lower California to Ecuador. 2 to 3 inches in length; flattened laterally; with 2 prominent, knobbed varices on each whorl. Just in front of each varix there is a sharp frill. There are generally i or 2 rows of blunt nodules on the whorls. This is a rare species in the Atlantic, but more frequently encountered on the west coast of Cen- tral America. Alias caelata Broderip, ponder osa Reeve and louisa M. Smith. Bursa gra?2ularis Roding Granular Frog-shell Plate 25-0 Southeast Florida and the West Indies. % to 2 inches in length, flattened laterally. Varices axially placed one below the other. Color orange-brown with 3 narrow, white bands which appear as prominent white squares on the varices. Spiral sculpture of several rows of small beads, those on the periphery of the whorl having the largest beads. Teeth in aperture white. Uncommon. Alias cubajiiana Orbigny and affinis Broderip. Subgenus Bujonaria Schumacher 18 17 Bursa spadicea Montfort Chestnut Frog-shell Plate 2 5P Southeast Florida and the Caribbean. I to 2 inches in length, flattened laterally; with strong, rounded varices, 2 on each whorl and lined up axially one under the other. Surface covered with spiral rows of numerous, small beads. Posterior siphon has one wall next to the body whorl. Color yellowish with diff^used markings of orange- brown. Rare. Dredged off Florida in moderately deep water. Alias B. crassa Dillwyn.