Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/301

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Aperture white. Exterior white to Hght-brown. Common in the Puget Sound area and to the north on rocks near shore. Also down to 35 fathoms. Appears in some books as Purpura or Ceratostoina foliatum Martyn. Pterorytis nuttalli Conrad Nuttall's Thorn Purpura Plate 14 Point Conception, Cahfornia, to Lower Cahfornia. 1/4 to 2 inches in length, similar to Pter. foHata (and somewhat resem- bling Ocenebra poulsom)^ but with much more poorly developed varices, and with one prominent, noduled rib between each varix. Spine on outer lip usually long and sharp. Exterior yellowish brown, sometimes spirally banded. Siphonal canal closed along its length. A common littoral species in the southern part of its range. Genus Eupleiira H. and A. Adams 1853 Eupleura caiidata Say Thick-lipped Drill Figure 47b South of Cape Cod to south half of Florida. /4 to I inch in length; apex pointed; siphonal canal moderately long, almost closed, coming to a sharp point below. Last varix large, rounded and with small nodules. Inside of outer lip with about 6 small, bead-like teeth. Whorls with spiral cords and strong axial ribs. Th-^re are 4 to 6 axial ribs between the last 2 varices. E. etterae B. B. Baker is a large, ecologic form of this species. Eupleura sulcidentata Dall Sharp-ribbed Drill Figure 47c West coast of Florida. Similar to E. caudata, but with the spiral sculpture almost absent. There are only 2 or 3 axial ribs between the last 2 varices. The varices are thin and sharp, and the entire shell is slightly compressed laterally (has a more oval outline from an apical or top view than does caudata). The axial ribs are often sharp and may bear a small spine at the top. Color gray, chocolate- brown, tan or rarely pinkish, and sometimes with a narrow spiral brown band. Moderately common. E. stimpsoiii Dall from deep water in the Gulf of Mexico is figured on p. 209. Family MAGILIDAE Genus Coralliophila H. and A. Adams 1853 CoralUophila abbreviata Lamarck Short Coral-shell Southeast Florida and the West Indies.