Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/312

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American Seashells

Neptunea ventricosa Gmelin Fat Neptune Plate 24s Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea. 3 to 4 inches in length, heavy, with a large, ventricose body whorl. Axial ribs or growth lines coarse and indistinct, rarely lamellate. Shoulders sometimes weakly nodulated. Spiral cords absent or very weak. Color a dirty-brownish white. Aperture white or flushed with brownish purple. Moderately common offshore. This is Chrysodomus satura Martyn and its several poor varieties. Neptunea pribiloffensis Dall Pribiloff Neptune Plate 241 Bering Sea to British Columbia. 4 to 5 mches in length, similar to N. lyrata, but with a lighter shell, with weaker and more numerous spiral cords, and with more numerous and stronger secondary spiral threads. Outer lip more flaring and the siphonal canal with more of a twist to the left. Fairly commonly dredged from 50 to 100 fathoms. Neptunea lyrata Gmelin Common Northwest Neptune Plate 24q Arctic Ocean to Puget Sound, Washington. 4 to 5 inches in length, % as wide, solid, fairly heavy. With 5 to 6 strongly convex whorls, bearing about 8 strong to poorly developed, raised spiral cords (2 of which usually show in each whorl in the spire). Faint, quite small, spiral threads are also present. Exterior dull whitish brown. Aperture enamel-white with a tan tint. Fairly common in Alaska from shore to 50 fathoms. This is Chrysodo?mis Jirata Martyn. Subgenus Ancistrolepis Dall 1894 Neptunea eucosmia Dall Channeled Neptune Figure 516 Alaska to Oregon. 1V2 inches in length, solid, outer lip sharp, strong and crenulated. Si- phonal canal short, wide and slightly twisted. Spiral cords strong. Suture channeled. Shell chalk-white, but covered with a rather thick, yellow-brown to gray periostracum which is axially lamellate and bears minute, erect hairs. Aperture glossy-white. Not uncommonly dredged from 62 to 780 fathoms. N. calif ornica Dall and bicincta Dall appear to be this species.