Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/335

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Genus Narona H. and A. Adams 1854 Subgenus Progabbia Dall 191 8 Narona cooperi Gabb Cooper's Nutmeg Plate 24y, figure 55c Monterey, California, to Lower California. 2 to 2/4 inches in length, moderately heavy; columella with 2 small spiral folds. Whorls slightly shouldered, with about a dozen to 15 narrow axial ribs which at the top bear a single, low, sharp knob. Color brownish cream with a dozen or so narrow, brown spiral bands. Aperture orange- cream. Outer lip sometimes with numerous white, glossy, spiral cords on the inside. An uncommon, deep-water species, occasionally brought up in fish nets. Said to grow to 7 inches in length. Genus Trigonostoma Blainville 1827 Trigonostoma tenerum Philippi Philippi's Nutmeg Figure 55d Southern half of Florida. % inch in length, fairly thin, but a quite strong shell. 4 whorls, strongly shouldered with the upper part of the whorl smooth and flat, and the sides with 3 to 5 spiral rows of strong nodules or blunt beads. Umbilicus very deep and funnel-shaped. Color light orangish brown. Uncommon just off- shore. Trigonostoma rugosuin Lamarck (in the subgenus Bivetiella Wenz 1943) is similar, but heavier, whitish with brownish maculations, without an umbili- cus, and with about 8 strong axial ribs crossed by spiral threads. Known as the Rough Nutmeg. It is rare in most areas of the West Indies, and has not been reported from the United States. Genus Admete Kroyer 1842 Admete couth ouyi Jay Common Northern Admete Figure 55a Arctic Seas to Massachusetts. Arctic Seas to San Diego, California. % to % inch in length, moderately thick, with 6 whorls. Suture wavy, well-impressed. Sculpture coarsely reticulate, often beaded or with the axial cords the strongest. Columella strongly arched and bearing 2 to 5 very weak, spiral folds near the middle. Shell dull white, covered with a fairly thick, gray-brown periostracum. Commonly dredged in cold waters. There are several other deep-water species on both of our coasts but they occur in very deep water.