Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/338

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American Seashells

I inch in length, extremely close to carneum, differing only in being larger, and in having a brown spot on the apex and 2 large chocolate spots on the outer lip. There may be also 2 smaller spots at the anterior end of the shell. Apparently rare and possibly a color form of carneum. I have seen only 3 specimens. Frunmtt labiatu?n Valenciennes Royal Marginella Plate III Off Texas to Central America. I to 1% inches in length, similar to carneum, but stouter, lip orange- brown, body whorl whitish gray with 3 darker, subdued spiral bands. Outer lip with small teeth on its inner edge. Very uncommon, but has been found off Yucatan by shrimp fishermen. The Texas record is open to question. Subgenus Leptegouana Woodring 1928 Prunum guttatujn Dillwyn White-spotted Marginella Plate iim Southeast Florida and the West Indies. /4 to % inch in length; outer lip smooth, white and with 2 or 3 brown spots on the lower half. 4 columella teeth. Color of body whorl pale whitish with 3 obscure bands of light pinkish brown, and irregularly spotted with weak, opaque-white, roundish dots. Not uncommon in shallow water. Prunu7n helium Conrad La Belle Marginella Figure 56d Off North Carolina to Key West. /4 inch in length, glossy, white, sometimes with a bluish-gray undertone. Sometimes with a rose tint on the body whorl. Spire moderately elevated. Outer lip thickened, without teeth. Lower half of columella with 4 strong, equally sized teeth. Commonly dredged from i to 200 fathoms. Pnmum amabile Redfield Queen Marginella Figure 566 Off North Carolina to Key West. % inch in length, similar to bellum, but with a shorter spire, more slant- ing columellar teeth, colored a translucent-tan with a heavy suffusion of orange on the shoulder of the whorl which becomes lighter on the lower part of the whorl. There is a fairly well-developed, white callus on the parietal wall. Uncommonly dredged from 25 to 125 fathoms.