Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/341

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% inch in length, somewhat like our figure 566, but with a higher, more pointed spire. Shell quite thin for a Marginella; color yellowish to whitish and somewhat translucent. Outer lip thickened, pushed in at the middle and white in color. Columella with 4 very distinct folds. Common in shallow water inside dead Pinna shells on mangrove mud flats. Hyalina avenacea Deshayes Little Oat Marginella Figure 56k North Carolina to both sides of Florida and the West Indies. % to V2 inch in length, slender, very similar to H. avefia, but usually smaller, with a longer spire, more slender anterior end, and pure, opaque- white in color, except for a very faint hint of straw color below the suture, again at the middle of the body whorl and also near the base. Common from shallow water to 750 fathoms. This is avenella Dall and succiitea Conrad. Hyali?ia torticula Dall Knave Marginella Figure 56I Off eastern Florida. % inch in length, slender, fusiform, with a tall spire which is leaning to one side. Color opaque-white, glossy, and with a hint of straw-colored bands. Possibly a sport of avenacea. Uncommon in deep water. Hyalina californica Tomlin Californian Marginella Santa Monica, Cahfornia, to Mexico. Ys inch in length, slender, aperture % the length of the entire shell, with 4 whorls, and colored a grayish to bright-orange with 3 distinct or obscure, rather wide, spiral bands of white. Lower third of columella white and with 4 distinct, spiral folds. Outer lip smooth, rounded, pushed in slightly, espe- cially near the central portion. Moderately common in rocky rubble under stones at dead low tide. Genus Gibbenilina Monterosato 1884 (Cypraeolina CeruUi-Irelli 191 1) Gibberulina ovuliformis Orbigny Teardrop Marginella Figure 56-0 North Carolina to both sides of Florida and the West Indies. Vs inch (2.5 mm.) in length, globular, glossy, opaque-white. Aperture as long as the shell. Apex hidden under top of outer lip. Upper part of whorl slightly shouldered. Lower third of columella with 3 or 4 small, slanting