Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/343

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brown dots sometimes present on sides. Interior of aperture pinkish white. Color of spire is orange with large white splotches. Uncommon below 15 feet of water. Conus juliae Clench Julia's Cone Plate 14b Off northeast Florida to Tortugas. 1% to 2 inches in length. Spire moderately high, flat-sided and with about 10 to 12 whorls. Shoulders of whorls slightly rounded; sides nearly flat. Color a pale pinkish brown to orangish with a moderate and indistinct band of cream or white at the mid area. This is overlaid with a series of fine spiral, broken lines or dots of brown. Spire whitish with axial, zigzag, reddish brown streaks. A choice collector's item. Named after Mrs. WiUiam J. Clench, a great contributor to the cause of malacology. Conns floridamis Gabb Florida Cone Plate i4d North Carolina to both sides of Florida. 1/4 to 1% inches in length. Spire well-elevated and slightly concave. Sides of whorls flat. The top of each whorl in the spire is concave and also has faint lines of growth. Color variable: usually white with elongate, rather wide patches of light orange-yellow to yellow. Spire with splashes of color. There is usually a white, spiral band around the middle of the whorl which may have small dots of yellowish brown. Moderately common in shallow water to 7 fathoms. Conus ftoridaniis floridensis Sowerby (pi. 146) is an extremely dark color form with spiral rows of reddish brown dots and heavier mottlings. C. floridanus biirryae Clench is another color form from off the Lower Florida Keys in which the spiral rows of brownish dots merge into solid lines. The lower end of the shell in very dark brown to deep brownish black. Un- common. Conus sennottorum Rehder and Abbott Sennotts' Cone Plate i4h Gulf of Mexico, from Tortugas to Yucatan. I inch in length, with a glossy, smooth finish. Slightly turnip-shaped. Color variable: white to bluish white with spiral rows of very small brown dots. Yellowish-brown maculations may be present. Moderately common in 18 fathoms off Yucatan. Named after John and Gladys Sennott. Conus sozoni Bartsch Sozon's Cone Plate 14c South Carolina to Key West and the Gulf of Mexico.