Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/354

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American Seashells

Genus Mangelia Risso 1826 Mangelia mono. Dall Morro Mangelia Figure 57! Off north Carolina to Tortugas. /4 inch in length, yellowish tan. Anal notch deep. 16 to 450 fathoms. Common. Provisionally placed in this genus. Mangilia is a misspelling. Genus Glyphostoma Gabb 1872 Glyphostoma gabbi Dall Gabb's Mangelia Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies. % inch in length. The 3 nuclear whorls are smooth and with a single, strong carina at the periphery. Shell white with 2 wide spiral bands of rose- brown on the whorl. The upper one is interrupted by about 1 5 short white ribs per whorl. Fine spiral threads numerous. Notch deep, with thickened, rounded sides. Varix strong. Moderately common from 30 to 150 fathoms. Genus Rubellatoma Bartsch and Rehder 1939 Rubellatoina rubella Kurtz and Stimpson Reddish Mangelia North Carolina to southeast Florida. ^ inch in length. Sinus shallow and U-shaped. Axial ribs long and rounded (about 9 per whorl). Spiral sculpture of numerous incised hnes. Color grayish cream with light reddish between the ribs. Commonly dredged from 9 to 80 fathoms. R. diomedea Bartsch and Rehder from Sanibel Island is extremely similar, but is more brightly colored with a wide spiral band of reddish brown. Uncommon to rare. Genus Kurtziella Dall 191 8 Kurtziella liifionitella Dall Punctate Mangelia Figure 57a North Carolina to both sides of Florida. % inch in length, semi-translucent and yellowish white. Sinus widely V-shaped. Between the strong, rounded, axial ribs there are numerous rows of microscopic opaque-white punctations. Uncommon from a few to 48 fathoms. i