Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/366

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American Seashells

Ys to I inch in length. General color varying from red-purple to pale- rose, sometimes with bluish-white spots. There is a vivid, iridescent blue border on the head disk and the "wings." Found for the first time in the western Atlantic by Harold J. Humm in 1950 at Alligator Harbor, Florida. Rare? This is probably G. meckeli "Dall."

FuiUKE 60. Animals of some Tectibranchs. a, Hmmnoea (side view, X3); b, Fhilijie (X3); c, Scaphander (Xz); d, Acteocina (X3); e, Gastropteron (X5); f, Bulla '(X3); g, Aplysia (Xy.); h, Bmsatella (Xy.). (After Guiart 1901.)